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The polyester fiber market in Russia will grow 11 times


The polyester fiber market in Russia will grow 11 times

Currently, there is practically no domestic production of polyester fibers in Russia. Thus, based on production volumes, each person accounts for 0.35 kg / person, which is 15 times lower than the world average (5.3 kg / person).

A significant amount of Russian consumption of polyester yarns and fibers is covered by imported products. Thus, the share of polyester fibers of foreign manufacturers is 75% of the Russian market, & nbsp; and in the segment of polyester threads, imports account for about 90%.

Taking into account the fact that polyester threads and fibers are currently the most demanded textile raw materials, the volume of the Russian market by 2015 may increase by more than 11 times.
Within this framework, the development of domestic production of PE filaments and fibers is a promising direction.

In addition, the production of modern types of fibers (polyester, polyamide, acrylic, polypropylene and, of course, VEV) in the Russian Federation is extremely justified in terms of huge reserves of natural raw materials (oil, gas ) for the production of fibers and their great need for the modernization of a significant number of industries (oil, gas processing, textile, shipbuilding, automotive). 

More on this in the study:  «Research of the Russian market of polyester fibers and products from them».