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After conducting a study of the graphite market, the profit of the plant increased 7 times


After conducting a study of the graphite market, the profit of the plant increased 7 times

Plant of carbon and composite materials (ZUKM) was established as an independent enterprise on November 9, 2006 by separating the complex for the production of carbon fibers (Carbon Fiber) and carbon-carbon composite materials from the Chelyabinsk Electrode Plant. 

In 2009, NPK "Khimpromengineering" becomes the owner of ZUKM, and HK"Composite" becomes the managing company.

In 2010 Industrial Information Agency by order of the Holding Company "Composite" (for which a CFRP market study was carried out a few months earlier) a study of the graphite products market.

A study of the market for graphite products showed a change in consumer preferences.

The use of research results and market conditions ensured the growth of ZUKM revenue from 2009 to 2011. 1.5 times - from 308 to 462 million rubles, and net profit from 13 million rubles. increased almost 7 times.

The aggravation of competition led to a drop in revenue to 415 million rubles. in 2012 and  435 million rubles in 2013, profit in these years decreased by 4 times.

ZUKM official website