1. Review of the market for spotlights and lighting in Russia
- The main characteristics of the market
- Volume of production
- The dynamics of the market volume 2016-2019. Potential market capacity
- current trends and prospects for the development of the studied market
- Assessment of factors affecting the market
- Analysis of analysis products
2. Analysis of competitors of the market for spot and lighting masts in Russia
- The largest players in the market
- The dynamics of changing shares in the market of the largest competitors 2016-2019.
- competitors profile (level of competition)
- place of localization of production
- Analysis of production capacities
- Pros and cons of competitors
- price analysis (analysis of factors of product value, as well as factors affecting the level of price and constituting value, reasons for the price change)
- Procurement procedures, confirmation of readiness/non -readiness of market participants to conclude long -term contracts
3. Consumption analysis
- The main consumer trends in Russia
- market structure by consumption sectors
- Comparison of the geographical location of customers and suppliers
4. Market forecast until 2023