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Research of the Russian Maltodecstrin market


Дата разработки: 06.04.2011

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Research of the Russian Maltodecstrin market

1. Import of Maltodecstrin

1.1 The total volume of Maltodecstrin imports for 2008-2010

1.2 Distribution of Maltodecstrin imports in 2010 for importers, manufacturers, countries of origin

1.3 minimal and weighted average prices for Maltodesstrin in 2010

2. Consumers of Maltodecstrin (in segments of baby food, cupcakes, gingerbread, cookies, cakes and cakes):

- Consumer name,

- Annual volume of use of Maltodecstrin

- Products produced using Maltodecstrin

- Practice of using Maltodecostron substitutes

- manufacturer of the Maltonkeststrin used

- procurement price of Maltodecstrin

- Contact person responsible or affecting the purchase of Maltodecstrin, his current contacts.

File name: ТЗ-196-2011