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Research on the market for medical exoskeletons for the rehabilitation of patients with impaired musculoskeletal mechanisms of the lower extremities


Дата разработки: 17.07.2019

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Research on the market for medical exoskeletons for the rehabilitation of patients with impaired musculoskeletal mechanisms of the lower extremities

1. General analysis of the exoskeleton market

1.1 General description of the exoskeleton market

1.2 The total volume of the exoskeleton market in natural and monetary terms

1.3 Prospects for the development of the exoskeleton market, development trends, factors contributing to the growth of the market

1.4 Forecast for the development of the exoskeleton market for 2019..2021 (in natural and monetary terms)

2. Analysis of exoskeletons consumers

2.1 segmentation of the exoskeleton market in natural and monetary terms (the market of state institutions and commercial segment)

3.1 Russian (exoatlet, etc.) and foreign manufacturers present in the market

3.2 Analysis of exoskeletons models of the main manufacturers in each segment with the allocation of the price for each model

3.3 Compilation of a technical level card (KTU) - a comparative characteristic of exoskeleton models

3.4 existing exoskeleton sales system for competitors through sales channels, pricing policy taking into account each sales channel

4.1 The main conclusions based on the research of the exoskeleton market research

4.2 Recommendations for entering the exoskeleton market for the customer:

- the volume of production of exoskeletons in the four next year, taking into account the entry into the market (pcs, rub)

File name: ТЗ-230-2019