1. Production of food ethyl alcohol in Russia
1.1. Ethyl alcohol food manufacturers
1.2. Eating ethyl alcohol production volumes
1.3. Revenue of the most significant manufacturers
2. Assessment of the effect of import of food ethyl alcohol on the Russian market
2.1. The volume of imports in natural and monetary terms
2.2. Basic importers
2.3. The main suppliers' countries
2.4. Price level
2.5. Features of taxation during imports
3. Consumption of food ethyl alcohol in Russia
3.1. Composition of manufacturers of liquid-water products (LVI)
3.2. Assessment of the volume of food ethyl alcohol for LVI
3.3. The composition of other consumers of food ethyl alcohol
4. Prices for food ethyl alcohol
5. Licensing
6. The situation in the industry, the influence of the EGAIS,
7. Prospects for the development of the eating ethyl alcohol market