1. General data on the cultivation of soybeans of Ukraine (collection, area, yield)
2. Analysis of soybean imports into Ukraine in 2012:
2.1. The total volume of imports in natural and monetary terms
2.2. Distribution of soy imports by protein content
2.3. Distribution of soy imports by key importers
2.4. Distribution of soy imports by suppliers
2.5. Declared imported prices
3. Analysis of soy export from Ukraine according to the results of 2012:
3.1. The total export volume in natural and monetary terms
3.2. Soy export distribution by protein
3.3. SAI export distribution by exporters
3.4. SAI export distribution by key customers
3.5. Declated export prices
4. Key agricultural holdings (creative, Kernel, Astarta-Kyiv and others) according to soy crops:
4.1. Plans to increase soy crops
5. SOI processors (creative, kakhovka-Promagro, Polovsky MEZ, TGRA Ukraine):
5.1. Power loading level (average and season)
5.2. Plane expansion plans
5.3. The degree of integration with soy manufacturers
6. Forecast of the development of the Soyi market of Ukraine