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Marketing research of the market of naphthenic oils


Дата разработки: 07.11.2022

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Marketing research of the market of naphthenic oils

Section 1. General product information (properties, purpose, main characteristics: viscosity grade, pour point etc.)
Section 2. Russian market
2.1. Analysis of supplies of naphthenic oils (both base oils and others) from foreign manufacturers to the Russian market
2.1.1. General supply dynamics, 2018 – first half of 2022
2.1.2. Supply structure by manufacturers and brands, 2018 – first half of 2022
2.1.3. Supply structure by destination and types, 2018 – first half of 2022
2.1.4. Prices for the main brands of naphthenic oils
2.1.5. Characteristics of brands of major foreign manufacturers (viscosity class, pour point, etc.)
2.2. Production of naphthenic oils in Russia
2.2.1. Presence of production of naphthenic oils among the leading Russian manufacturers of industrial and other oils
2.2.2. Assessment of the share of Russian manufacturers in the commodity market and the total volume of commercial production of naphthenic oils by Russian manufacturers (2018 – first half of 2022)
2.2.4. Projects to develop the production of naphthenic oils by Russian producers
2.2.5. Dynamics of exports of naphthenic oils to countries other than the EAEU countries, dollars per ton, 2018 – first half of 2022
2.3. Estimation of the volume of the commodity market of naphthenic oils in 2018-2022
2.3.1. Dynamics of the commodity market of naphthenic oils in 2018-2022, dollars per ton, share of oils of foreign and Russian production
2.3.2. Price level for naphthenic oils of Russian and foreign production
2.3.3. Forecast for the development of the Russian commodity market of naphthenic oils until 2027, dollars per ton
Section 3. World market
3.1. Dynamics of the world market of naphthenic base oils in 2018-2022, in physical and monetary terms
3.1.1. General dynamics of the world market / production
3.1.2. Structure by countries
3.2. Forecast of the development of the world market of naphthenic base oils, 2030
3.3. Global manufacturers of naphthenic oils
3.4. Projects for the development and creation of the production of naphthenic oils
Appendix 1. Structure of Russian imports of naphthenic oils by recipients and types of oils
Appendix 2. Characteristics of the main brands of naphthenic oils in the Russian market
Appendix 3. Range of naphthenic oils from major manufacturers
Appendix 4. Tender documentation for the purchase of naphthenic oils for LLC Gazpromneft-SM for October 2021 - December 2023
Appendix 5. Production certificate for low temperature hydraulic oils G-Special Hydraulic Nord 32
Appendix 6. Certificate of production of semi-synthetic coolant oil Gazpromneft HTO 32
Appendix 7. Methodology for analysis of imports of naphthenic oils in the Russian Federation

Table 1. Types of base oils according to API classification
Table 2. Types of naphthenic oils and their applications
Table 3. Characteristics of the main Nynas naphthenic base oils presented on the Russian market
Table 4. Characteristics of the main Nynas industrial naphthenic oils presented on the Russian market
Table 5. Characteristics of the main Nynas transformer naphthenic oils presented on the Russian market
Table 6. Dynamics of Russian imports of naphthenic oils, 2018-2022, tons, thousand dollars
Table 7. Dynamics and structure of Russian imports of naphthenic oils by countries, 2018-2022, tons, dollars per ton
Table 8. Dynamics and structure of Russian imports of naphthenic oils by manufacturers and brands, 2018-2022, tons, thousand dollars
Table 9. Dynamics and structure of Russian imports of naphthenic oils by types of oils, 2018-2022, tons, thousand dollars
Table 10. Dynamics and structure of Russian imports of naphthenic oils by purpose, 2018-2022, tons, thousand dollars
Table 11. Dynamics and structure of Russian imports of naphthenic oils by recipients, 2018-2022, tons
Table 12. Prices for the main brands of naphthenic oils of foreign manufacturers, 2018-2022, dollars per ton
Table 13. Characteristics of the main brands of naphthenic oils of foreign manufacturers
Table 14. Russian manufacturers of base oils by types of oils
Table 15. Dynamics of the Russian commodity market of naphthenic oils, the share of oils of foreign and Russian manufacture, 2018-2022, tons, thousand dollars
Table 16. Price level for naphthenic oils in the Russian market, 2018-2022, dollars per ton
Table 17. Main Russian consumers of naphthenic oils in 2019-2022
Table 18. Russian consumers of naphthenic oils interested in purchasing from a Russian manufacturer
Table 19. Forecast of the Russian market of naphthenic oils, 2022-2027, tons, million dollars
Table 20. Dynamics of the world market of naphthenic oils, 2017-2021 (actual), 2022 (evaluation), million tons, billion dollars
Table 21. Oil price forecast of the world's leading agencies, 2022-2030, dollars per barrel
Table 22. Dynamics and structure of world capacities for naphthenic oils by countries and manufacturers, 2010-2022, thousand tons
Table 23. The structure of world production capacities for naphthenic oils by manufacturers and plants, 2022, thousand tons, barrels per day
Table 24. Dynamics of average export and domestic prices for naphthenic oils in the USA, 2017-2021, dollars per ton
Table 25. Introduction of new capacities for the production of naphthenic oils by global producers over the past 10 years
Table 26. Dynamics and structure of Russian imports of naphthenic oils by recipients and types, 2018-2022, tons
Table 27. Characteristics of the brand NS 3
Table 28. Characteristics of the brand Hygold 60
Table 29. Characteristics of the brand T110
Table 30. Characteristics of the brand Nytro 11GX
Table 31. Characteristics of the brand Nytex 840
Table 32. Range of Nynas AB naphthenic oils
Table 33. Range of Calumet Specialty Products Partners L.P naphthenic oils
Table 34. Range of Ergon naphthenic oils
Diagram 1. Dynamics of Russian imports of naphthenic oils, 2018-2022, tons
Diagram 2. Share distribution of Russian imports of naphthenic oils by types of oils, 2018-2022, % (tons)
Diagram 3. Structure of Russian imports of naphthenic oils, 2021, tons, % (tons)
Diagram 4. Share distribution of Russian imports of naphthenic oils by types of oils, 2018-2022, % (tons)
Diagram 5. Share distribution of Russian imports of naphthenic oils by purpose, 2018-2022, % (tons)
Diagram 6. Dynamics of the Russian market of naphthenic oils, 2018-2022, tons
Diagram 7. Forecast of the Russian market of naphthenic oils, 2022-2027, tons, million dollars
Diagram 8. Dynamics of the world market of naphthenic oils, 2017-2021 (actual), 2022 (evaluation), million tons, billion dollars
Diagram 9. Structure of the world market of naphthenic oils by producing countries, 2021, thousand tons, % (tons)
Diagram 10. Dynamics and structure of the world market of naphthenic oils by producing countries, 2017-2021, million tons, % (tons)
Diagram 11. Forecast of the global market for naphthenic oils, 2021-2030, million tons, billion dollars
Diagram 12. Structure of world capacities for naphthenic oils by countries, 2022, thousand tons, % (tons)
Diagram 13. Structure of world capacities for naphthenic oils by manufacturers, 2022, thousand tons, % (tons)
Diagram 14. Dynamics of average export and domestic prices for naphthenic oils in the USA, 2017-2021, dollars per ton
Diagram 15. Changes in global naphthenic oil capacities in 2015-2022, thousand tons
Work on the report "Marketing research of the market of naphthenic oils" has been completed.
The potential for import substitution of naphthenic oils and the development plans of key players made it possible to assess the feasibility of creating a naphthenic oils production in Russia.
File name: API-2134