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Initial data for submission to government agencies and development institutions

The Industrial Information Agency collects and prepares the information necessary to initiate and implement decisions by government organizations and companies on a wide range of issues:
1. Assistance to Russian companies in the preparation of various applications to government agencies
2. Providing information to Russian government authorities
3. Assistance to foreign countries in strengthening and expanding business ties with Russia

1. Assistance to Russian companies in the preparation of various appeals to government agencies or government business support structures:

1.1. Justification of the expediency of investments or subsidies when applying to development institutions:
- preparation of Section 7 "Market Analysis" business plan by format Vnesheconombank for submission to VEB;
- preparation of section 4 "Markets" business plan according to the Rosnano format (previously form 6);
- collection of information to ensure compliance with the criterion "Market prospects and product potential"; Industry Development Fund, including the following areas of IDF support:
     - a subsidy for the implementation of new complex investment projects within the framework of the Government Decree (hereinafter referred to as – PP) of the Russian Federation No. 3 of 01/03/2014;
     - a subsidy for replenishment of working capital and current activities within the framework of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 214 dated 12.03.2015;
     - support for the timber industry within the framework of the Government Decree of the Russian Federation No. 419 dated 06/30/2007;
1.2. Rationale for companies applying tax incentives:
   - preparation of information for the classification decision of the Federal Customs Service and an application to the Government of the Russian Federation on the inclusion of a commodity item in the list of technological equipment, analogues of which are not produced in the Russian Federation, the import of which into the territory of the Russian Federation is not subject to VAT in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 372 of April 30. 2009;
    - preparation of information and analytical materials necessary for the consideration and preparation of proposals for establishing and changing the rates of import (import) customs duties by the Subcommittee on Customs Tariff and Non-Tariff Regulation, Protective Measures in Foreign Trade of the Government Commission for Economic Development and Integration.

1.3. Justification of changes in the terms of licenses of the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use of the Russian Federation (Rosnedra) in terms of the obligations of the subsoil user to develop mineral deposits.

1.4. Carrying out market research in the implementation of federal targeted programs and development strategies:
     - Federal target program "Development of the transport system of Russia (2010 & ndash; 2021)" (as part of the subprograms "Development of the export of transport services", "Railway transport", "Civil aviation");
    - Strategy for the development of exports in the agricultural engineering industry for the period up to 2025 (in accordance with Section 5. "Principles for the development of exporting organizations") and others.

1.5 . Substantiation of the company's position before the Federal Antimonopoly Service (taking into account the "Procedure for analyzing the state of competition in the commodity market", approved by Order of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia dated April 28, 2010 N 220).
1.6. Justification of the company's position before the Federal Tax Service (taking into account Article 40 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation Principles for determining the price of goods, works or services for tax purposes).
1.7. Preparation of expert opinions as an independent expert in Arbitration Courts of various instances, including at the request of plaintiffs or defendants.
1.8. Preparation of initial information necessary for the implementation of research and development.
1.9. Preparation of initial data for the preparation of a feasibility study
within state-owned companies (Gazprom and of its affiliates, NK Rosneft and its associated companies, as well as others).

2. Providing information to Russian government authorities.

2.1. Checking the feasibility of investments by development institutions - conducting research on order and in the interests of Rosnano, Vnesheconombank, Skolkovo and others.
2.2. Providing information for the development of legislative initiatives (for example, the development of industrial policy in Russia) and decisions at federal or regional level, including for the implementation of the adopted development programs.
2.3. The performance of their functions by state-owned companies, for example, information support and support for market participants.

3. Assistance to foreign countries in strengthening and expanding business ties with Russia.

Organizations to support the export of foreign countries promote the interaction of entrepreneurs and their industry associations of their countries with the Russian economy. The Industrial Information Agency assists such organizations in providing information about the Russian market and helps to find common ground with Russian companies:
     - promoting export-oriented industries to Russia,
     - assistance in attracting Russian investors,
     - search for promising areas of cooperation for entrepreneurs.