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Corporate publications of various companies and factories


Corporate publications of various companies and factories

Corporate publications were originally conceived as a means of informing within the company and as a means of forming a corporate culture.
Corporate publications, including factory newspapers, inform about the company's achievements, current events, employees' leisure, and managers' statements.

Thus we learn:
- about the structure of the enterprise,
- about the plans of the enterprise, 
- about the top managers of the enterprise and their influence,
- about real performance indicators, 
- about the number of employees in the company and individual divisions,
- about the technical equipment of the enterprise,
- about highly qualified employees,
- about management decisions.

Studying the materials of a corporate publication for several months allows not only to find out information that is usually inaccessible when searching on the Internet, but also to feel the prevailing mood of the team.

In practice, "from cover to cover" only competitors read the corporate edition.