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Public reporting of enterprises


Public reporting of enterprises

Most public companies prepare issuer reports, statements of material facts, annual reports, and sometimes shareholder meeting minutes are available.

For joint-stock companies, a mandatory issuer's report is provided, which is prepared in accordance with the requirements of the law.

Issuer reports, notices of material fact, and minutes of meetings reveal:
- about the management bodies of the company, 
- about key shareholders, 
- about decision-making procedures, 
- about performance indicators and other facts and plans.

In addition to the issuer's report, large joint-stock companies, as well as some non-public companies, publish annual reports. The annual report is optional by law, and its content, unlike the issuer's report, is not formalized.

The purpose of public reports is to report on the success of the company's activities and at the same time not to reveal the means of achieving them.

In public reporting, companies may disclose:
- detailed production or sales volumes, 
- presence distribution by segments, 
- indicate your competitors and their shares,
- industry and other risks,
- some information of management reporting,
- explanations of changes in performance indicators,
- other information not available in other sources.