Quarzwerkeis developing deposits of quartz, kaolin and feldspar in Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Ukraine, Russia.
Quarzwerke Gruppe is represented in Russia by several companies:
- Kvartsverke Ulyanovsk and TD "Quartz" in the Ulyanovsk region,
- Mining and processing company "Muraevnya" in the Ryazan region,
- Balashey sands in the Samara region,
- Velikodvorsky processing plant in the Vladimir region.
The dynamic development of Quarzwerke in Russia is due to:
- deposits of high-quality quartz,
- investments and Quarzwerke's 125 years of experience in fractionation and enrichment,
- timely receipt of objective information about changes in the demand structure of Russian consumers.
- the creation of a mining and processing plant in the Ulyanovsk region for the production of enriched quartz sand for the glass industry.
Industrial Information Agency was involved in various tasks by the companies of the Quarzwerke Group in 2007, 2013 and 2015.
A study of quartz sand by the Industrial Information Agency in 2015 helped Quartzwerke obtain the necessary Federal Antimonopoly Service approvals on December 14, 2015, despite a substantially increased market share. See link