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Help in the reincarnation of the plant


Help in the reincarnation of the plant

The foundry in Tikhvin was founded in 1963. After 30 years, he was reassigned to the Transmash Plant. - to manufacture products for high-speed railways. Already in 1999, the plant "Transmash" released an experimental high-speed 6-car train "Sokol - 250".

The creation of high-speed railways was postponed and in 2001 the ICT Group acquires the property complex of the plant "Transmash" in Tikhvin. 

In 2002, after a comprehensive reorganization, production facilities were allocated, on the basis of which an assembly plant was formed «Titran-Express».  

Within a few years, the plant managed to master the assembly of bogies for wagons.

Analysis of the unprofitable economy of the enterprise in 2005 showed that insufficient output did not cover the break-even point, and the resulting cost did not allow it to become a supplier of bogies for car building plants.

The management of the ICT Group suggested that excessive purchase prices were a possible reason for the excessive cost.

Industrial Information Agency by order of the IST Group and the director of the TAP "Titran-Express" audited purchase prices. The results of the audit showed that a number of positions were purchased at inflated prices, sometimes exceeding market prices by 50%. At the same time, the plant received a database of alternative suppliers for purchased items.

By changing a number of suppliers and increasing production volumes, we managed to reduce the cost of wagon bogies. Carriage Works Pay Attention to Competitive Prices of TSZ "Titran-Express" and placed orders.

As a result, the revenue of TSZ Titran-express for 1 year increased by 24 (!) times:  from 25 million rubles. in 2005 to 616 million rubles. in 2006.

In 2008, a comprehensive modernization of the TAP "Titran-Express" was completed. and the construction of a car-building plant began at an industrial site in the city of Tikhvin. The official launch of the renewed enterprise took place in early 2012. 

The volume of investment in the plant exceeded $1 billion.