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Development of zirconium production at the Chepetsk Mechanical Plant

Development of zirconium production at the Chepetsk Mechanical Plant

Zirconium market research completed by Industrial Information Agency in June 2010 

Research materials in detailwhether:

- reserves and production of mineral zirconium-containing raw materials in the world,

- state of field development in Russia,

- offer metal zirconium on the world market,

- production volumes by manufacturers,

- distribution of demand for zirconium and segments,

- price dynamics for zirconium sponge, 

- volumes and prospects of non-nuclear consumption of zirconium,

- identification 30 consumers of zirconium.

In 2010 at the ChMP chlorination site, the design capacity of the line was achieved

in the amount of 1000 tons per year for zirconium. 

At the absorption treatment unit of the separation unit for zirconium and hafnium chlorides  

an intermediate suitable for obtaining a zirconium sponge. 

For the period from 2009 to March 2011, 30 units of new equipment were introduced into the technology.

In  2011 the production of zirconium sponge according to the technological scheme through zirconium dioxide was mastered.

For the purpose of organizing sales zirconium on a commercial basis:

• production of an additional qualifying batch of pressure pipes for Canadian reactors has been completed

CANDU to complete the qualification process, pipes shipped to the customer

• internal batches of TREX-pipe blanks from Zirkaloy-2 alloy were manufactured and controlled

according to the schemes "forging-rolling" and "rolling-rolling" for GNF-A & GE Canada

• a demonstration batch of clad pipes made of Zirkaloy-4 alloy was made and sent to the Korean side.

In 2012:

- industrial batches of pure zirconium sponge from zirconium dioxide were obtained,  

- Manufacture of E110 alloy cladding pipes for VVER reactors has been transferred to the flowsheet

using new equipment

- work continued on the introduction of chloride technology for the production of zirconium sponge

- the creation of a pilot plant for the production of zirconium dioxide has begun.

On June 13, 2013 ChMP was awarded the status of a qualified supplier with the right to participate in the tender for the execution of reactor orders for CANDU programs. 

The significance of this event cannot be overestimated –

The USSR and Russia have never supplied components  and fuel elements for North American equipment.

ChMP opened up the possibility of supplying zirconium pipes to a large and interesting market:

status "qualified supplier" gives CMP the right to participate in the tender,

what is important in terms of developing production competencies. 

In 2013:

- received confirmation of JSC "TVEL" about the extension of the order of technological channels,

- the first batches of TVS-KVADRAT components for JSC NZHK, 

- work on the transition to a new technological scheme for rolling has been completed

- continued work on the introduction of chloride technology for the production of zirconium sponge,

- a new scheme  production of pipes and bars,

- production technology has been worked out and pilot batches of granulated zirconium dioxide have been obtained.

Update date: 09/12/2016