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Market for calcium metal

Calcium production of the Chepetsk Mechanical Plant

The Calcium Market Study completed by the Industrial Information Agency at the end of 2008  showed the strongest competition with products from China on the world and Russian markets. 

The only way out was to deepen the processing of calcium in the form of a monolithic calcium wire,  used by steel mills. Price competition with Chinese products and unprofitability made us think about the temporary conservation of production. 

After a thorough weighing, the management of ChMP began to develop calcium production.

In 2011  to bring it to the break-even point the mastering of the production of monolithic calcium wire  prototypes were made.

In 2012:

- 100 tons of monolithic calcium wire were produced using the existing  equipment.

- positive conclusions were received based on the results of tests carried out at metallurgical enterprises.

In 2013:

- mastered the production of new nomenclatures of calcium injection wire (CIP), 

- produced and sold 310 tons of calcium wire,

- the technology has been improved and the capacity for the production of wire has been increased,

- continued testing of nomenclatures at Russian and foreign metallurgical enterprises,  received positive conclusions.

Revision date 9/12/2016