The deposits of quartz sand in the vicinity of the village Muraevnya Ryazan region has long been known, the inhabitants of nearby villages have been extracting sand for their own needs since time immemorial.
However, the volume and quality of sand became known only in the eighties of the last century, when the primary geological study of the deposit was carried out.
The Muraevnya deposit was explored in 1990 - 1994, the volume of reserves is 17.4 million tons.
The first stage in the development of the deposit began in 2004, when OJSC "GOK "Muraevnya" was established.
Together with the Novo-Ryazanskaya CHPP, a reservoir was created on the Ranov River in a record short time
a quarry has been developed, a railway line and a highway have been built, Russian technological equipment has been installed and launched, capable of processing 200 thousand tons of sand per year.
In 2007 for "Muraevni" The Agency of Industrial Information conducted a study of the quartz sand market, which identified target customers and showed the increase in customer requirements for the quality of quartz sand, associated with the emergence in Russia of world leaders in the production of glass.
The results of the study allowed the Customer to prioritize work with clients and focus on grading quality for specific consumer groups.
This made it possible to increase the company's revenue in two years by 2.2 times: from 95 million rubles in 2006 to 151 million rubles. in 2007 and up to 214 million rubles in 2008.
In 2007-2008, the authorities of the Ryazan region are making efforts to attract investors to the development of the neighboring deposit of glass sand - Velikodvorskoye-2 on the border with the Vladimir region.
September 19, 2008, despite the outbreak of the economic crisis, the German company "Quarzwerke Gruppe", which has a 120-year history and experience in the enrichment of quartz sands, creates CJSC "QUARTSWERK RYAZAN" in Ryazan.
In 2009, Muraevnya GOK together with "Quarzwerke Gruppe modernize capacity and build a new dry sand storage warehouse. The volume of investments amounted to 8.5 million euros.
In the same 2009, CJSC "KVARTSVERKE RYAZAN" buys 100% of the shares of Mineral LLC, which owns the license of the Velikodvorskoye-2 deposit, located on the border of the Ryazan and Vladimir regions, which has reserves of glass sands in categories: B + C - 61.1 million tons, C2 - 53.5 million tons
In September 2010, CJSC "KVARTSVERKE RYAZAN" becomes the owner of 100% of GOK "Muraevnya".
In May 2011, work on the modernization of the Muraevnya GOK was completed: the production capacity of glass sands increased to 260,000 tons per year, the quality of the glass sand produced, which meets international requirements for glass manufacturers, has improved.
The constructed warehouse is designed to store two types of enriched sand with a total volume of over 12,000 tons, which guarantees the fulfillment of the obligations of the Muraevnya mining and processing enterprise. before the Buyers.
April 10, 2012, the Central Commission for the Development of Solid Mineral Deposits of Rosnedra approved project documentation (Working draft No. GM – 1254) for the development of the Velikodvorskoye-2 quartz sand deposit of the subsoil user Mineral LLC.
In the second half of 2012, "Kvartswerke" acquired Velikodvorsky Processing Plant, first buying out 49%, and then the remaining 51% from Muromteplovoz.
In the spring of 2013, there is a threat of revocation of the license РЯЗ14218ТЭ (issued by LLC Mineral), associated with the requirements to fulfill license obligations to reach the design capacity for the extraction of quartz sands at the Velikodvorskoye-2 deposit with a volume of at least 1 million tons per year, preserved from the terms of the canceled competition in 2000.
To prepare a justification for reducing the license requirements of the Muraevnya mining and processing complex; turned
to the Industrial Information Agency. We have estimated expedient production volume of fractionated silica sand based on the prevailing supply and demand in the geographic area, taking into account the delivery distance.
These materials made it possible to prepare an appeal to the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use.
As a result, in 2103 Rosnedra fixed the changes in the Supplement to the license No. 3788ts.