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Study of the global market of non-nuclear zirconium


Дата разработки: 23.07.2010

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Study of the global market of non-nuclear zirconium

General data on zirconium
Zirconium raw material
Reserves and extraction of mineral raw materials for zirconium production
Global zirconium sponge production
Prices for zirconium sponge
Market prices for zirconium sponge / metal zirconium
Price dynamics based on analysis of international trade data
General assessment of the global market of metal zirconium for non-nuclear application
Global metal zirconium production
Composition and properties of zirconium alloys
Global leading manufacturers
Prices for metal zirconium
Consumption of metal zirconium of non-nuclear application
Areas of non-nuclear application of metal zirconium
Chemical equipment
Black and non-ferrous metallurgy
Volume and prospects of consumption
Zirconium consuming companies
Companies expressed interest in purchasing zirconium metal
Leading trading operators of zirconium market
Segmentation of consumption by purpose: inclusion of zirconium products in the
Composition of commodities or use for the needs of own production
International metal zirconium trade: net importers
Situation in the Russian market

Appendix 1
Appendix 2
1. TRADIUM GmbH, Germany
2. Lipmann Walton & Co Ltd, The Great Britain
3. Maritime House, The Great Britain

Figure 1. Distribution of zirconium minerals stocks by countries (in terms of zrо2), 2009, million tons,%
Figure 2. Production of zirconium minerals by countries (in terms of zrо2), 2009, thousand tons,%
Figure 3. Technological schemes for production of zirconium sponge in western countries
Figure 4. Structure of the global production of zirconium sponge, 2009, tons,%
Figure 5. Average prices for metal zirconium of non-nuclear application, USD / kg
Figure 6. Dynamics of Chinese producers prices for zirconium sponge and prices for zirconium sponge at the shanghai exchange of metals, USD / kg
Figure 7. Dynamics of zirconium prices in the USA, 2003-09, USD / kg
Figure 8. Dynamics of import prices for metal zirconium in the EU countries, 2005-09, USD / ton
Figure 9. Dynamics of import prices for metallic zirconium in the countries of south-eastern Asia, 2005-09, USD / ton
Figure 10. Dynamics of metal zirconium production, 2001-09, forecast until 2012 (primary production), tons
Figure 11. Dynamics of steel production by countries, 1995-2009, million tons
Figure 12. Import of metallic zirconium (including sponge) by importing countries, 2008, tons,%
Figure 13. Leading importers and exporters of metallic zirconium (including sponge), 2008, tons
Figure 14. Dynamics of metallic zirconium net imports to EU countries, 2005-08, tons
Figure 15. Locations of nuclear power plants by countries, 2009
Figure 16. Dynamics of zirconium import to south-eastern Asia countries, 2005-09, tons

Table 1. Zirconium alloys used in reactors
Table 2. Chemical composition of zirconium alloys,% mass
Table 3. Physical and chemical properties of zirconium alloys,
Table 4. Declared prices for metal zirconium, alloy 702
Table 5. Comparison of anti-corrosion properties of zirconium and titanium
Table 6. Companies consuming zirconium alloys
Table 7. Companies expressing interest in purchasing non-nuclear metal zirconium
Table 8. Trading operators
Table 9. Internal processing of zirconium by producing companies
Table 10. Comparison of un customs statistics on zirconium export of exporting importing countries
File name: API-1150