1.1. Research objective
To investigate the market of gift products and souvenir products of crystal, porcelain, silver, wood and also souvenir products with logo image presented at the Russian market.
1.2. Methodology
In the course of research of the Russian market of the gift products the following methods were used:
Poll of participants of the market (producers, importers, dealers of production)
Receiving and processing of statistical information on activity of various participants of the market from public authorities
Obtaining information from specialists of profile associations and the unions
Collection of information from open sources (Internet, profile editions)
1.3. The results of the research
1. The large and medium-sized trading companies and importers are revealed, preliminary negotiations are held with them.
2. Invoice information on the activity of the Russian producers is found out.
3. The quantitative indices on import in various cuts and on production are received.
4. The total characteristic of the market is made.
5. Materials on demand and consumption of production are presented.
6. The analysis of the above-stated information is carried out.
7. Recommendations for advance of the Italian production in Russia are made.
1. Introduction
1.1 Research objective
1.2 Methodology
1.3 The results of researches
2. Summary of the analyzed market
2.1 The definition of a gift and a souvenir
2.2 Identification of production being studied in this research
2.3 The materials used for production of the goods interesting us
2.4 Segmentation of the market of souvenir and gift products
3. The market of gift products and souvenir products in the Russian Federation
3.1 Total characteristic of the market
3.2 Russian production of gift and souvenir products
3.3 Demand and consumption of gift and souvenir products
- the features of the Russian mentality
- the assessment of number of potential buyers of souvenir products
markets of Moscow and St. Petersburg
- the prospects of increase in demand for souvenir products
- business souvenir and gifts
- the definition of a business souvenir
- the features of the Russian market of business souvenirs
- value of the market of business souvenirs
- souvenirs and gifts for foreign citizens
3.4 Some producers of gift products and souvenir products of Russia
Dyatkovsky Hrustal, РLC (crystal)
Crystal Plant, Gus-Khrustalny, LLP (crystal)
Mstersky Yuvelir, LTD (silver)
Ekaterinburg Plant Russkiye Samotsvety, PLC(silver)
Hokhlomskaya Rospis, LTD (wood)
"Hokhlomskiye Uzory Goroda Semenova", LLP Production art company (wood)
Suvenir, LTD (wood)
Fedoskinsky Factory of Tiny Painting, SUE (miniatures)
Dulevsky Farfor, LTD (porcelain)
Pervomaysky Farfor, LTD (porcelain)
The conclusions
Outlook for the Russian producers
3.5 The import
3.6 Positioning of the Italian production among gift and souvenir
production provided in the Russian market
4. The system of distribution of gift production in Russia
4.1 Typology of the Russian dealers of souvenir and gift production
4.2 Results of poll of various types of the dealers working at the Russian market
5. Recommendations to the Italian companies working or planning work in the Russian market of souvenir and gift products
Appendix 1. A databank on importers of souvenirs in 2001
Appendix 2. Tree 1999/main importers
Appendix 3. Tree 2000/main importers
Appendix 4. Tree 2001/main importers
Appendix 5. Import of souvenir products from a tree to Russia in 1999, 2000 and 3 quarters 2001
Appendix 6. A tree of 1999/distribution imported souvenirs on countries of origin
Appendix 6. A tree of 2000/distribution imported souvenirs on countries of origin
Appendix 7. A tree of 2001/distribution imported souvenirs on countries of origin
Appendix 8. Silver 1999/main importers
Appendix 9. Silver 2000/main importers
Appendix 10. Silver 2001/main importers
Appendix 11. Import of souvenir products from silver to Russia in 1999, 2000 and 3 quarters 2001
Appendix 12. Silver 1999/distribution of the imported souvenirs on countries of origin
Appendix 13. Silver 2000/distribution of the imported souvenirs on countries of origin
Appendix 14. Silver 2001/distribution of the imported souvenirs on countries of origin
Appendix 15. Crystal 1999/main importers
Appendix 16. Crystal 2000/main importers
Appendix 17. Crystal 2001/main importers
Appendix 18. Import of souvenir products from crystal to Russia in 1999, 2000 and 3 quarters 2001
Appendix 19. Crystal 1999/distribution of the imported souvenirs on countries of origin
Appendix 20. Crystal 2000/distribution of the imported souvenirs on countries of origin
Appendix 21. Crystal 2001/distribution of the imported souvenirs on countries of origin
Appendix 22. Porcelain 1999/main importers
Appendix 23. Porcelain 2000/main importers
Appendix 24. Porcelain 2001/main importers
Appendix 25. Import of souvenir products from porcelain to Russia in 1999, 2000 and 3 quarters 2001
Appendix 26. Porcelain 1999/distribution of the imported souvenirs on countries of origin
Appendix 27. Porcelain 2000/distribution of the imported souvenirs on countries of origin
Appendix 28. Porcelain 2001/distribution of the imported souvenirs on countries of origin
Appendix 29. Distribution of the population in size of average monetary per capita income
Appendix 30. Key indicators of income and the standard of living of the population in regions of the Russian Federation
Appendix 31. The firms of Italy exporting to Russia souvenir and gift production from crystal, porcelain and wood
Appendix 32. National art crafts
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