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Skif-M company dossier


Дата разработки: 30.04.2021

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Skif-M company dossier

General company data
General data
Assortment of manufactured carbide tools
Representative offices and dealers
Production of carbide tools and prices
Price level
Carbide tool manufacturing
Renovation of production assets 2017-2019
Financial performance indicators 2017-2020
Russian customers
Foreign customers
Development plans

Appendix 1. Supply prices by consumers

Table 1. General information about SKIF-M company
Table 2. SKIF-M assortment
Table 3. Dealers and sales offices of SKIF-M in Russia and other countries
Table 4. Revenue dynamics of Russian dealers of SKIF-M, 2017-2020, million rubles
Table 5. Purchases of foreign-made products, 2017-2020 in thousand USD and kg
Table 7. Price range for main SKIF-M products, 2019-2021 RUB / pcs on the example of price analysis of significant public tender procedures
Table 6. Dynamics of SKIF-M production, 2017-2020 million rubles, kg
Table 8. Import of equipment by SKIF-M in 2012-2020
Table 9. Dynamics of key indicators of SKIF-M financial statements, 2017-2020
Table 10. Supply volume of SKIF-M products (direct / dealers) through tender procedures 2013-2020, million rubles by industry
Table 11. Russian customers of SKIF-M, volume of supplies through tender procedures in the segment "Aviation and Space" in 2013-2020, million rubles.
Table 12. Russian customers of SKIF-M, volume of supplies through tender procedures in the nuclear industry segment in 2013-2020, million rubles
Table 13. Russian customers of SKIF-M, volume of supplies through tender procedures in the Military-Industrial Complex (MIC) segment in 2013-2020, million rubles
Table 14. Russian customers of SKIF-M, volume of supplies through tender procedures in the mechanical engineering segment in 2013-2020, million rubles
Table 15. Russian customers of SKIF-M, volume of supplies through tender procedures for other companies in 2013-2020, million rubles
Table 16. Foreign customers of SKIF-M, volume of deliveries in 2012-2020, thousand USD
Table 17. Dynamics of SKIF-M products supplies to the foreign market in the context of the main types of products, 2012-2020
Table 18. Foreign customers of SKIF-M, delivery volume and prices, 2017-2020
Table 19. Development plans of SKIF-M
Table 20. Parameters of new standard sizes of SKIF-M products from July 2021
Table 21. Enhancement of manufactured products
File name: API-2069