1. Production (China)
- main manufacturers of silicobaria;
- the proposed chemical and fractional composition, form of release (in the form of a mixture, alloy and/or filler of powder wire);
- The cost and conditions of the supply of products.
2. Consumption (Japan, USA)
- main consumers of silicobaria **;
- chemical and fractional composition of purchased products, volume of consumption, level of purchase prices;
- factors for choosing a supplier/product, features of the organization of procurement;
- the level of satisfaction of the consumer (the relevance of a decrease in the content of aluminum, other impurities (copper, tin, etc.) in the alloy and degree
oxidations of active elements; stabilization of the content of basic active elements in the volume of delivery; additional input or increase
mass fraction of active elements in the alloy; Other).
- Trends in the development of the silicobarism market for the analyzed period 2005-2009.