1. The dynamics of prices for iron ore raw materials in the context of the nomenclature of products since 2000 and the trends of their changes in the near future (2010-2015). Nomenclature: commodity ore, pellets, concentrate, agglorud.
2. Forecast for the development of the metallurgical industry (market volume) for 2010-2015
3. Analysis and capacity of the market of iron ore raw materials in Russia, Ukraine, Eastern European countries (Hungary, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Poland) according to the nomenclature of products with the release of inflorescence, commodity ore, pellets, concentrate, including:
- capacities and actual production of mining and processing plants,
- capacities and actual production became metallurgical plants
- the maximum possible and actual value of the purchase of raw materials, thousand tons
4. Assessment of the market value of the largest enterprises of the industry (value per unit of capacity) based on the actual transactions for the purchase and sale of shares of enterprises.