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Research of the market for wear -resistant alloys for mining and construction industries


Дата разработки: 01.07.2010

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Research of the market for wear -resistant alloys for mining and construction industries

1. Section "Assessment of the current and potential volume of the market for products from wear -resistant alloys"

1.1. Radial supports of wear -resistant alloys and composites, used as radial sliding bearings.

1.1.1. Demand in the primary market (VNIIBT brown tool, NPO "Board Technique", Kungur Machine-Building Plant, Pavlovsky Mashzavod, Radius Service, NGT, etc.):

- the total volume of production of radial supports

- average alternation of alloys on radial support

1.1.2. Secondary market. Evaluation of the park of operated turbines and screw -to -lane engines:

- the total volume of turbocations produced and upbringing engines for 5-10 years (the service life is specified by manufacturers)

- the total volume of imports and exports of turbines and upbringing engines

- assessment of the total volume of operated turbocations and screw silling engines in the Russian Federation

- frequency of replacing radial supports (detected by manufacturers)

1.1.3. Forecasts. Calculation of the potential volume of the consumption of radial supports based on current and planned indicators of drilling volumes (drilling in drilling)

1.2. Seals and lodges from wear-resistant alloys and composites.

1.2.1. Primary market.

Manufacturers of centrifugal oil pumps and drill pumps

- Volgogradneftemash

- Katai Mashzavod

- Lebedan Mashzavod

- Livensky in hydraulic machines

- Nalchik Mashzavod

- Novomet-Perm

- Turbosos

- Uralaletkryzhmash

- En

- Izhevsk oil engineering plant

- Votkinskiy plant

- Bulanash Mashzavod

- identification of the total volume of production

- identification of the number of seals for each unit of production

1.2.2. Secondary market.

Assessment of the fleet of operated turbines and screw cloak engines.


- the total volume of the pumps produced for 5-10 years (the service life is specified by the manufacturers)

- total volume of imports and export of engines pumps

- assessment of the total volume of operated pumps in the Russian Federation

- frequency of substitution replacement (detected by manufacturers)

1.3. Mills designed to open wells, from wear -resistant alloys and composites.

A survey of service companies providing wells for opening wells by sparing perforations and manufacturers of perfume systems

- CJSC NTF "Perfotech",

- OJSC "Divieshlorgeophysics",

- FSUE Metalist,

- CJSC "Bashvznepsnechtnology",

- NPK "Promperforator"

- "Tyumenpromgeophysics"

- OJSC "Azimuth"

- OJSC "Permneftegeophysics"

- the share of wells that open by drilling perforation

- Types of wells, for which the most advisable is the use of this method

- trends to increase the volume of use of the method of gentle perforation

- the number of mills for perforators when opening 1 well

- Frequency of opening wells

- Assessment of the volume of production of perforators

- Assessment of the current and potential volume of mills for opening wells

- Information about the number of operated wells

- information about the types of operated wells

- Forecast of changes in the operated wells until 2020

- data obtained from service companies and manufacturers of perfume systems

1.4. Dies of hydraulic pipe keys (crackers) from wear -resistant alloys and composites.

1.4.1. Stage Evaluation of the current park of hydraulic pipe keys (dicks - consumable material for hydraulic pipe keys):

- Assessment of the volume of imported hydraulic pipes for 5-10 years (the service life is specified by service companies)

- Assessment volume of hydraulic pipe keys for 5-10 years

- Assessment of the operated park of hydraulic pipe keys at the moment

1.4.2 Stage. Assessment of the consumable coefficient for the dicks during the operation of hydraulic pipe keys

Service survey (maintenance and spare parts for hydraulic keys) and production companies

- "Oil service

- SC "Soyuz"

- OJSC "Hydromash"

- CJSC "Ufagidromash"

- LLC "Gioylmash"

- CJSC "Russian jack"

1.4.3. Stage. Assessment of the current and potential volume of consumption of dies for hydraulic keys.

The forecast will be based on the development trends of the oil industry (forecast oil production)

2. Section "Conjuncture of demand in products from wear -resistant alloys"

2.1. Other types of products that can be made of wear -resistant alloys and materials for working in aggressive media (lining of various mills, nozzles for abrasive processing, etc.)

2.2. The main consumers of production from wear -resistant alloys in the context of segments

2.3. Barriers to enter various markets from wear -resistant alloys

2.4. Requirements for products from wear -resistant alloys by potential consumers

2.5. The main suppliers of products from wear -resistant alloys

3. The "Competitive Environment in Products from Waste -Resistant Laughter"

3.1. The main supplier companies for markets from wear-resistant alloys

3.2. Comparison of products from wear -resistant alloys from various types of wear -resistant alloys and materials

For example, sealing rings can be made of materials such as:

- SISIC (reactionary silicon carbide)

- SSIC (Squinted silicon carbide)

- Al2O3 (aluminum oxide)

- WC-CO (tungsten carbide on cobalt bunch)

WC-Ni (tungsten carbide on a nickel bunch)

3.3. The price situation for various types of products from wear -resistant alloys

3.4. Types of serial and non -existential products offered in markets from wear -resistant alloys

3.5. Sales in markets from wear -resistant alloys

4 section "Analytics, forecasts"

4.1. Factors affecting the development of products from wear -resistant alloys

4.2. Express assessment of the current and potential capacity of other products from wear-resistant alloys and materials

4.3. Model of the market for wear -resistant alloys using 3 scenarios (pessimistic, conservative and optimistic)

4.4. The main methods of promotion and sales channels from wear -resistant alloys

4.5. The main competitors in markets from wear -resistant alloys

4.6. Price segments in markets from wear -resistant alloys

File name: ТЗ-298-2010