1. The largest suppliers of whole -roll wheels in the Russian market:
- Business name,
- Location of enterprises
- annual supply of whole -roll wheels
2. The dynamics of shipments by months by the largest suppliers of whole -roll wheels for 2010..12gg, tn.
3. The structure of shipments of the largest suppliers of whole-roll wheels in the context of enterprises-recipients
4. The largest buyers of whole -roll wheels in the domestic Russian market
- Company name,
- Location of the company (region)
- annual procurement volume of whole -roll wheels
- Clothing wheels purchasing prices
- contact persons responsible for changing the supplier or affecting it
- degree of interest in the new supplier
5. The dynamics of purchases of the largest consumers of whole -roll wheels for 2010..12gg, TN.
6. The procurement structure of the largest consumers of whole-frame wheels in the context of supplier companies
7. Export supplies of whole -boiled wheels for 2010..2012, TN.
8. The largest exporters of whole -rolled wheels among Russian manufacturers.
9. The main foreign buyers of whole -rolled wheels of Russian production:
- Company name
- The location of the company
- The volume of purchases of whole -rolled wheels of Russian production, (year, tons/dollars)
10. Prices for exported whole -rolled wheels of Russian production, dollars/pcs
11. Import supplies of whole -roll wheels to the Russian market for 2010..2012.
12. The main foreign manufacturers of whole-roll wheels presented in the Russian market
13. The main Russian companies-buyers of whole-frame wheels of foreign production
- The volume of procurement of whole -roll wheels of foreign production
14. Prices for imported whole -roll wheels of foreign production, dollars/pcs
15. Development trends in the Russian market of whole -rolled wheels
Overview of the global market of whole -roll wheels
1. Classification of railway wheels
2. A comparative analysis of whole -boiled and whole -lit wheels (durability/mileage)
3. Manufacturers of whole -boiled and whole -lit wheels (Bonatrans, Sumitomo Metal, Valdunes and others - presumably 30 companies)
4. The production volumes of some individual enterprises
5. Prices for whole -roll and whole -lit wheels
6. Restoration of whole -boiled and whole -lit wheels
7. Standards in Europe and USA