- To analyze the Moscow and Russian markets of commercial data centers, indicators of its current state and the main trends, the prospects for its development in the Russian Federation until 2021.
- Evaluate the market potential and identify the main consumer segments of strategic focusing the player of the market of commercial data.
- Evaluate the product portfolio of the player of commercial data in accordance with the forecast of the conjuncture, to form sales plans.
- Evaluate the current market situation in the Moscow and Russian markets of commercial data centers.
- Conduct a competitive analysis of the leading players in commercial data centers.
- Consider and evaluate the proposals of storage and processing services for corporate users in Moscow and the Russian Federation.
- Assess the offer of engineering equipment for commercial data centers.
- Compare the development models of the data center (infrastructure/cloud). To identify the main factors (economic, organizational, technological) and marketing techniques used in commercial data centers.
- Compare the dynamics of the Moscow and Russian markets of commercial data center with the world.
Analytical review of the current state of the Moscow and Russian markets
The analytical review of the current state of the Moscow and Russian markets of the data center should include:
- General data on the current state of the Moscow and Russian markets of the data center and the prospects of its development.
- review of the basic infrastructure of the largest market participants, the possibilities and restrictions of infrastructure (based on data from open sources).
-forecast data on income of Moscow and Russian data centers in 2014-2020.
-ratio of income of Russian data centers in 2014-2020. In the context of the regions.
- assessment of the share of the leaders of the market of commercial data centers by the number of racks as of 2016.
-TOP 10 organizations-owners of the data center that influenced the data center in 2016
- distribution of positions in the rating of income from the provision of basic services of the data center in 2016
- the structure of the services of the data center market as of 2016
Analysis of consumer preferences
Analysis of consumer preferences of the data of the data center should include the description:
- rating of the demand for services of the data center as part of complex requests.
- Factors for choosing the site sites.
- factors affecting the degree of trust in the service provider.
Analysis of the competitive situation in the Moscow and Russian markets
- General characteristics of competition.
- Review of the applied pricing policy 2014-2016.
-Profiles of the TOP-10 organizations-owners of the data center.
- qualitative analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of competitors.
- Analysis of offers in the data center and data storage, the structure of packages and the composition of the services.
- analysis of price offers for various segments of customers (based on the received offers for a request).
- price structure, brief review of factors affecting pricing and discounts.
Forecast of the parameters of the Moscow and Russian markets of data centers and closest substitutes
- calculation of the forecast volume of supply 2017-2020, in natural and monetary terms; scenario analysis, taking into account the possible lifting of sanctions, changes in legislation.
-calculation-foundation of the forecast volume of consumption of data centers and substitute services 2017-2020, in kind and monetary terms.
- Prediction of the dynamics of prices.
Overview of the Moscow and Russian markets of IT equipment and systems for the data center:
- Review of the Moscow and Russian markets of engineering equipment of the data center.
- Review of technological trends in the development of IT equipment of the data center.
- The long -term forecast of the dynamics of the Moscow and Russian markets of equipment (power supply, cooling).
- Analysis of price offers of vendors of equipment for the data center (power supply, cooling).
- Analysis of the terms of calculations with vendors.
- Review of the main strategies for working with vendors of equipment.
Analysis of the dynamics of international data center markets in 2014-2020. In macro -regions
- Analysis by key parameters:
? The number of sites.
? The number of racks.
? Square.
? Provided power.
- segmentation by type of data center:
? Commercial data center.
? Corporate data center.
? Cloud and service providers.
- segmentation by the level of the site:
? Hyper.
? Megasot.
? Ordinary data center.
? Local data center.
? Server.
? Microserver.
- The main trends in the development of international data center markets.
Analysis of existing business models of development and promotion of Russian data centers, a comparative analysis of business models
- assessment of the structure of the cost of data center.
- Assessment of the difference in economic models for infrastructure and cloud data centers.
- Review of the principles of building sales.
- Marketing techniques used by the data center.
The development forecast of the Moscow and Russian markets of the data center, the development of conclusions and recommendations
- Development factors.
- The influence of cloud services on the development of Moscow and Russian data center markets.
- Scenarios for the development of Moscow and Russian markets.
- Key platforms planned for input.
- Recommendations for the formation of optimal packages of services.
- Conclusions and conclusions.