1. The main types of testing (research) provided by laboratories in the Ural and Volga districts of the Russian Federation.
- The main service providers in the studied segment: capacities, regional/ corporate/ product specialization/ "Binding".
- Priva: the nature of pricing (long -term agreements/spot), the procedure for providing services (tenders, free conclusion of contracts), key success factors in receiving orders.
- Commercial conditions: terms for the provision of services, payment conditions, other informational and accompanying services.
- Company name;
- Location/physical address;
- Contacts (email);
- Types and volumes of the test tests.
- all types of services in the field of testing and examination;
- other types of services provided;
- Basic specialization (type of services in the field of testing and examination);
- the volume of the provision of services of everything, including within the framework of the main specialization;
- financial indicators of activity (revenue, profit, profitability);
- declared prices for services;
- Work experience for state customers (customers, type of services, cost, working conditions).
- type of service;
- industries for which this service can be provided (except for food products).