1. Identification and analysis of aggregated information on the actual expenses of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation related to the creation and development of state regional navigation information systems in 2015-2016. and planned expenses for similar articles in 2017-2019, comparison of the regions and the allocation of the most promising for further promotion.
2. Identification and collection of information about state-owned companies of the regional and federal levels related to the purchase and operation of navigation and information systems
3. Identification and collection of information about suppliers of solutions, software and equipment for navigation and information systems.
Methods for solving the problem 1:
- analysis of planned and actual volumes of financing of specialized federal programs, including In the context of the regions
- analysis of the rating of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation by the degree of implementation and efficiency of the use of navigation technologies
- the identification of the constituent entities of the Federation, where the decree "On the creation of the state information system of the subject of the Federation" "Regional navigation and information system of the subject of the Federation" "is adopted"
- analysis of the maximum detailed regional budgets containing information on costs related to information and navigation systems
- identification and analysis of regional development strategies in order to identify expenses.
Methods for solving problems 2 and 3:
- Identification of regional state order (example, center of road safety of the region ", the administration of the municipality of the region, the Committee on Competitive Policy of the Region, etc.) Carrying out purchases related to navigation and information systems (example, performance of work on the development, implementation and technical support of a special software of subsystems of the regional navigation and information system). According to the results of the analysis of the identified tenders, information will be presented about the volumes, directions and mechanisms (financing conditions) of data data and their suppliers.
- identification and analysis of public data on suppliers based on the study of relevant portals
Requirements for the results of the services rendered:
For task 1 (tasks are defined in Appendix 1):
A list of budget expenditures of the regions of the Russian Federation on:
a) RNIS in the regions of the Russian Federation related to the list of regions - recipients of subsidies from the federal budget in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2012 N 1367,
b) financing measures for the development of regional navigation and information systems in the regions of the Russian Federation that are not included in the list of regions - recipients of subsidies from the federal budget in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2012 N 1367
by cuts:
a) investment objects,
b) executive bodies - distributors of funds,
c) targeted programs and sub -programs.
For task 2: In the section of each region, a list of enterprises with state participation is given, the share of expenses of which for financing measures related to the development of navigation and information systems in the total financing of such expenses in the region exceeded 10%. At the same time, for each region there is a list of enterprises whose total share of expenses for navigation and information systems in the total amount of such expenses of all state enterprises and/or private enterprises-recipients of subsidies from the budgets of the regions and/or the federal budget amounted to at least 60%.
For a problem 3: a list of enterprises-suppliers of software support, equipment and integrated systems and decisions that supply to state customers under federal laws "On the purchase of goods, works, services to certain types of legal entities" dated 18.07.2011 N 223-ФЗ and "About The contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to provide state and municipal needs "dated 05.04.2013 N 44-ФЗ, the share of the market of which can be determined and considered significant.