The object of the study is services for applying functional coatings and modification of the surface.
Introduction. Classification of materials, coatings, technologies, applications.
Part 1. Functional coatings
1. Review of the materials applied (list, basic properties)
1.1. Metals and their alloys
1.2. Ceramic materials
1.3. Carbide materials
1.4. Non -metallic materials
1.5. Targets
1.6. Precursors
2. Overview of coating technologies
2.1. Basket plot technologies
2.2. Surfacing technologies
2.3. Vacuum technologies
2.4. Chemical and terminal processing technologies (HTO)
2.5. List of other technologies
2.6. The ratio of various technologies
3. Review of functional coatings in the classification by purpose
3.1. Thermal combarry coatings
3.1.1. Areas of use
3.1.2. Used coatings and application technologies
3.2. Wear -resistant coatings
3.2.1. Areas of use
3.2.2. Used coatings and application technologies
3.3. Corrosion -resistant coatings
3.3.1. Areas of use
3.3.2. Used coatings and application technologies
3.4. Antifriction coatings
3.4.1. Areas of use
3.4.2. Used coatings and application technologies
3.5. Heat -resistant coatings
3.5.1. Areas of use
3.5.2. Used coatings and application technologies
3.6. Sealing coatings
3.6.1. Areas of use
3.6.2. Used coatings and application technologies
3.7. Coatings with other properties
3.7.1. Types of properties (electric, optical, so on)
3.7.2. Areas of use
3.7.3. Used coatings and application technologies
Part 2. The field of application of functional coatings, the main consumers and their geography
4. Power energy
4.1. Gas turbines of high capacity
4.2. Low -power gas turbines and gas pumping installations
4.3. Steam turbines
4.4. Hydraulic turbines
4.5. The remaining directions (atomic, alternative)
5. Aircraft construction (aircraft construction and helicopter construction, missile construction)
5.1. Engineering
5.2. Aggregate building (chassis, case, so on)
6. Automotive
6.1. Engineering
6.2. Nodes and aggregates (transmission, chassis, body)
7. Tool
7.1. Cutting tool
7.2. Stamping-forming tools
8. The oil and gas industry
8.1. Pumps and compressors
8.2. Drilling equipment
8.3. Controversial and regulating reinforcement (for all industries)
9. Shipbuilding
9.1. Power plants
9.2. Corps and units
10. Other industries with the lower potential of the coatings market
10.1. Optical industry
10.2. Protection of metal structures
10.3. Mining industry
10.4. Metallurgy
10.5. Plastic production
10.6. Pulp-paper industry
10.7. Chemical industry and petrochemical industry
10.8. Agricultural machinery, construction equipment, so on
10.9. Heavy engineering
10.10. Biomedical
10.11. Glass industry
10.12. Electronics and microelectronics
Part 3. Market volume assessment
11. Assessment of market volume as of 2014
11.1. Methodology for evaluating market volume
11.2. In the context of areas of application1
11.3. In the context of technology
11.4. In the context of equipment, materials, services2
12. Forecast of market development until 2025
12.1. Forecasting methodology
12.2. In the context of areas of application
12.3. In the context of technology
12.4. In the context of equipment, materials, services
Part 4. Participants in the Russian market of functional coatings
13. Global players
14. Manufacturers of materials
15. Equipment manufacturers
16. Providers of coating services
Part 5. Review of prices for coatings
17. Prices in the breakdown by technology
17.1. Gas -flaming spraying
17.2. Electric -dug metallization
17.3. Atmospheric plasma spraying
17.4. High -speed gas -flaming spraying
17.5. Gas -dynamic spraying
17.6. Spraying to the controlled atmosphere
17.7. Polling column ceramic coating (EB-PVD or Plasma Spray-PVD)
17.8. Physical deposition from the steam phase
17.9. Plasma-chemical precipitation from the steam phase
17.10. The precipitation of diamond -like coatings
17.11. Chemical precipitation of diamonds from the steam phase
17.12. Laser surfacing
17.13. Plasma surfacing
17.14. Hto
1. Basic terms and definitions
2. The database of manufacturers of equipment, materials for applying functional coatings and service companies providing the services of applying functional coatings in Russia and the CIS
3. The database of companies producing or operating products of the segments in question in Russia and the CIS
1 In the breakdown in the regions in accordance with Part 2, as well as in the division of segments: new products and repair/recovery.
2 in the division of commercial and intra -production coatings.