1. Aviation transport
The volume of aircraft produced by type of aircraft. | The volume of production in the section by type:
The market value and rental rates (retrospective data/forecast). | The data is provided only by participants in the air transportation market represented by air carriers or large companies. |
The rates of technical reserves in the market (retrospective data/forecast). | |
Information on amendments to the Procedure, calculation of subsidies to airlines and leasing companies. |
Information on amendments to aviation subsidies (including the number of subsidized directions and the size of budget allocations). | |
Information on the volume of subsidies in the districts (allocated, listed, underless, forecast for the future) | |
The dynamics of passenger turnover in Russia and the world (retrospective data/forecast). |
2. Analysis of the helicopter market in the Russian Federation
The format of the result | |
Assessment of the current situation and trends in the field of production, supply and operation of civilian helicopters in the Russian Federation. |
Existing types of domestic and imported helicopters: characteristics, market, park. | |
Assessment of the quantity and structure of helicopter owners (airlines, operators). | |
Assessment of the capacity of the Russian helicopter market for the period until 2025. |
Analysis of the prospects for the development of the segment. Identification of promising niches. | |
Working for the possibility of organizing the acquisition of helicopters with the Trade- in service |
3. Analysis of the business aviation market
Assessment of the current situation and trends in the field of production, supply and operation of business aviation in the Russian Federation. |
Existing types of domestic and imported business aircraft: characteristics and market. | |
Characterization of leading players (airlines, operators of airfields, manufacturers and importers of business aircraft with a capacity of up to 50 people). |
Evaluate the capacity of the Russian business aviation market for the period until 2025. |
To analyze the prospects for the development of the segment. Identify promising niches. |
4. Railway transport
Report format | |
Dynamics of deficiency/surplus by types of wagons (retrospective data/forecast), a required park and a park on a network by types of wagons. |
Dynamics of write -off, production and procurement by type of wagons (retrospective data/forecast). |
The market value and rental rates by types of wagons (retrospective data/forecast). |
Information on amendments to the procedure for the provision, calculation of subsidies of railway companies and leasing companies. |
Dynamics and structure of railway transportation by types of wagons and cargo (retrospective data/forecast). |
The dynamics of cargo turnover for each type of wagons (retrospective data/prognosis). | |
The cost of repairs (current, capital), detention on public routes, tariffs for empty mileage (retrospective data/forecast). |
Information about discounts for empty mileage. | |
The list of the main railway operators in the market in the breakdown by PS segments. |
5. Water transport:
Assessment of the possibility | |
The dynamics of deficiency/surplus by vessels (bulk, dry cargo, cargo-passenger) (retrospective data/prognosis). |
Dynamics of write -off, production and procurement by vessels. The dynamics of the value of disposal by vessels (retrospective data/prognosis). | |
Dynamics and structure of cargo transportation/passenger transport by vessels (bulk, dry cargo, cargo and passenger) (retrospective data/forecast), | |
The market value by vessels (new, used) and TCE rates (time charter equivalent) by vessels (retrospective data/forecast). |
Information on amendments to the procedure for the provision, calculation of subsidies to lessons/tenants and leasing companies. |
Review of innovations in terms of restrictions and tightening requirements for courts in the world and in Russia (like the Marpol Convention), analysis of their possible influence on the Marine/River Transportation market, | |
The main transport companies carrying passengers (total passenger flow, transportation structure (cruise, regular), controlled passenger traffic); |
Study of passenger transportation in the context of water pools and regions of Russia (pay attention to Severrechflot. Basin of the Volga River, Far East) |
Analysis of transportation by sea passenger ferries, cruise vessels. |
6. Energy efficient segment
A group of information | The format of information |
Assessment of the prospects of the technique on LNG | Analysis of the technique on LNG SPG market volume and forecast Forecast for the need for LNG Park |
Analysis of regional parks of commercial vehicles (buses, freight and communal equipment (?)) And the prospects for the energy -efficient vehicle market | Accurate information about the structure of the equipment fleet in the section in the context of the regions and types of equipment refers to the closed data of the Ministry of the Interior. We can provide the following data
7. Infrastructure -Marketing study on the analysis of the coal overload market
Study of the coal export market, including the main participants, the volume of revolutions, port capacities, as well as forecast data. |
Analysis of the needs in the world. Analysis of promising areas for transporting and supplies of coal in the world. | |
Coal export market research is carried out in the context of importing countries and seaports. |
8. Risk analysis
Analysis of the activities of customers GTLK |
Analysis of technology parks in the target segments of GTLK | The total volume of the technique with the maximum detail without forecast in the context of the type:
Assessment of the cost of repair repair in the GTLK portfolio | Operational provision of information on the repair of equipment is possible only according to the railway transoprt. For other types of equipment, it is possible to obtain the cost of repairing, taking into account its scale as part of individual requests to companies providing repair services. Subject to the provision of 3 prices for one type of repair for each type of equipment: