1. Information about printing houses
1.1. The total number of employees
1.2. The number of workers often and days a week
1.3. Number of shifts
1.4. Making a decision on the equipment service
1.5. The number of printed sections on formats
1.6. Manufacturers of the equipment used (printed sections, CTP, folding machines, gshra)
1.7. The life of the printing machine until the replacement for new equipment
2. Spare parts
2.1. Supplier of spare parts
2.2. Criteria for choosing a supplier of spare parts
2.3. Source of information about spare parts
3. Service
3.1. Service service provider
3.2. The deadline for cooperation with the service provider
3.3. The frequency of contacting the service
3.4. Typology of calls to the service
3.5. Criteria for the importance of making a decision on contacting the service
3.6. The cost of service services
3.7. The availability of a remote equipment diagnostics system
3.8. Dependence of service work on the service life and/or equipment format
4. Service contracts
4.1. Practice for the conclusion of service contracts
4.2. Features of concluded service contracts