1. Evaluation of the demand potential for the "Cold chain" services for the new participant in Moscow
1.1. Identification and collection of general information about independent suppliers of perishable food products for Moscow stores and enterprises of the HoReCA segment for the main types of products (fruits, vegetables, chilled poultry, meat and fish, dairy gastronomy, frozen products). At least 500 companies, the format of information will be studied first:
- Geography of supplies
- Scale of activity (revenue)
1.2. Analysis of 100 largest suppliers:
- The presence of your own fleet (including the refrigerators park)
- The presence of their own storage facilities (including freezers)
- Assessment of the share of Moscow in the total sales
- Interest in cooperation on warehouse premises and fleet (requirements in case of interest)
1.3. Assessment of the total potential demand for the "Cold chain" services on the basis of the scale and geography of the activities of food suppliers for Moscow without their own warehouses and a fleet (in monetary terms)
2. Analysis of the competitive environment for the new participant in the Service Market "Cold Cold" in Moscow
2.1. Identification and analysis of large independent refrigeration and freezer warehouses (including wholesale and distribution centers) in Moscow and the Moscow Region (that is, in addition to the distribution centers of large network retailers):
- Location
- Additional services,
- Prices for renting warehouses (rub/m2)
- Declared parameters of the territory and warehouses (area, temperature, ceiling height, permitted load on m2)
- Declared trade and volume of cargo flow
- Plans for expanding activities
2.2. Identification of the services of large independent transport companies delivering food products to refrigerators to consumers of Moscow:
- Additional services
- The carrying capacity of refrigerators
- Prices for the transportation services of refrigerators (rub/hour)