1. Factory yat as part of the ottz, its features
• The role of nuclear fuel in atomic energy
• The role of nuclear fuel fabrication in the initial stage of YATTs (Front-End)
• Future trends in the purchase of fabrication services by generating companies
2. The latest developments of nuclear reactors and the prognosis of demand for the fabrication of YAT
• Nuclear energy - regions of presence
• forecast for reactor capacities in countries until 2035
• reactor technologies used today and in the future
• Forecast of demand for fabrication services
3. Review of the market for the purchase of nuclear fuel factory services by generating companies
• market state
• Duration of the fuel cycle
• Prospects for concluding new contracts
• Terms of procurement
• approaches used in procurement
• Features of competition
• Suppliers who refuse to participate in the auction
• Frequency of supplies yat and stocks of yat
• The volume of services for the supply of fuel
• Frequency of supplies
• Requirements for the qualification of the fuel of the new design from official suppliers
• criteria used in the conclusion of fuel contracts
• main industry trends
4. World manufacturers yat
• The main manufacturers-suppliers of nuclear fuel
About Framatome
About Global Nuclear Fuel (GNF) about Westinghouse Electric Company about the fuel company TVEL about KERSO Nuclear Fuel (KNF)
• Regional nuclear fuel suppliers
About Enusa Industrias Avanzadas, S.A. (Enusa) - Spain about Mitsubishi Nuclear Fuel (MNF) - Japan about Nuclear Fuel Industries - Japan about China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) - China about Industrias Nucleares Do Brasil (Inb) - Brazil of Nuclear F. Uel Complex - India about Kazatomprom - Kazakhstan
• Projects for the production of nuclear fuel in Ukraine and Iran
About nuclear fuel - Ukraine about the production plant - Iran
- Russia
? Remix fuel
? Two -component nuclear energy
5. Analysis of demand and proposal for the factory of yat
• Forecast of supplies
• World demand and offer
• Demand and supply in Eastern Europe
• Demand and supply in North America
• Demand and supply in Asia
• Demand and supply for VVER reactors
6. Analysis of global and regional market fabrication markets for LWR reactors
• Fuel market for BWR reactors
About the Western European Factory Market for BWR reactors about the North American Factory market for BWR reactors about the Asian BWR reactors Factory Market for BWR
? Japan
? Taiwan
• Fuel market for PWR reactors
- Western European Factory market for PWR reactors about the North American fabrication market for PWR reactors about the Asian Factory Market for PWR reactors
- East European Factory market for PWR reactors (VVER)
7. Prices for the factory of yat
• Basic information on the price of the fabrication of yat
• PRICEMENTING Service for Factory Service YAT
• Prices for factory services over the past 25 years
• YAT prices for the initial loading of the reactor and overload
• Current world prices for fabrication yat
• Factory forecast for the Factory of YAT in the USA
• Factory price forecast outside the United States
- Western Europe about Japan
- China and South Korea for VVER fuel
8. Factory markets for other types of reactors
• Fuel for heavy water reactors (phwr)
• Fuel for gas -cooled reactors (GCR)
• Fuel for easily water reactors with a graphite deceler (LGR)
• fuel for small modular (SMR) and improved reactors