The purpose and objects of research
Determination of historical (2000-2009) and predicted (2010-2020) volumes of Russian, trends in its development, restrictions and opportunities for:
- Diagnosis of cancer methods of nuclear medicine:
- Radiopharms for diagnosis
- Positron emission tomography
- CT scan
- Magnetic resonance imaging
- single -photon emission computed tomography
- Treatment of oncological diseases by nuclear medicine:
- Radiation therapy
- Remote radiation therapy
- X -ray therapy
- gamma therapy using artificial radionuclides
- brake gamma therapy
- Electronic therapy
- Neutron therapy
- Proton therapy
- Therapy with yonas is heavier than protons
- Brachitherapy
- Contact radiotherapy
- Intrifal radiotherapy
- intestatic radio therapy
- radiopharmaceuticals for therapy
Market analysis:
1. Assessment of the volume and structure of the market in natural (number of procedures) and value terms:
- review of treatment and diagnostic methods present in the market;
- comparison of treatment and diagnostic methods indicated above methods with pharmacological analogues;
- Analysis of prices by methods in 2000-2009;
- assessment of the market potential to the level of saturation (upside in value terms) or a statement of the mature stage of the market;
- compilation of the rating of the main players and their profiles;
- trends and market development trends, as well as restrictions and possibilities of its development, the main barriers to the market entrance, the main factors of potential growth;
- Description of sales channels.
Demand analysis:
2. Analysis of the structure of consumption of the studied types of drugs in the context of the main groups of consumers:
- Description of key groups of consumers of the studied techniques;
- assessment of consumption volumes for various consumer groups;
- Description of key competitive advantages of products and service important for each group of consumers.