assessment of production capacities;
assessment of the volume of international trade and import/export (historical data and forecast);
Assessment of a competitive market situation;
determination of the most promising areas of product sale;
Analysis of the price situation and the preparation of medium -term forecast;
Analysis of market development in the medium term and price forecast.
Research structure:
1. Description of the product and areas of application
2. Production analysis:
Production capacities and the actual volume of production;
The main market players (both manufacturers and suppliers/distributors)
Trends, prospects and forecast of market development.
3. Market volume:
Market volume, dynamics in recent years, development prospects.
4. Schemes of sales and distribution:
Operational analysis of leading market players: strategy for promotion and sales, delivery scheme, packaging;
The legislation regulating the market (certification, duties (customs, anti -dumping, etc.), imported tariffs.
5. Price analysis:
Prices of manufacturers and distributors;
Sales prices (indicating the supply base);
Premium prices of manufacturers/distributors in separate market segments;
6. Consumption:
The volume of consumption, segmentation in the context of consumption areas and geographical segments in recent years, development prospects;
Analysis of consumers (a list of consumers with addresses, contact information and consumer volume),
Trends and development prospects in the context of final consumption segments;
7. Summary. Main conclusions. Adblue reagent market development prospects