History and forecasting horizon
The world as a whole
General description of the market
1. Key trends in the gas market: capacity in monetary and natural terms (historical and forecast), growth rates, growth drivers, risks and limiting factors
2. The main fronts and characteristics of the added added chain
3. The structure of the cost of benzene
4. Principles and factors of price formation, historical and forecast dynamics of prices
5. Technological standards
Production market structure
6. Market leaders (description of up to 10 key manufacturers), market shares and geographical distribution of production
7. The industry structure of the production of benzene (petrochemistry, coxochemistry, etc.)
8. Success factors and competitive advantages
9. Used technologies for the production of benzene. Their comparison
10. The availability of raw materials. Comparison of various types of raw materials, including associated gas. Description of the raw materials market. Prices for raw materials, historical and forecast dynamics.
11. Key proposal characteristics: Product prices, supply conditions
The structure of the market for consumption
12. The structure of the demand for benzene according to the areas of use in monetary and natural terms
13. The geographical structure of the demand for benzene
14. Characteristics of key areas of application (drivers, growth rates, demand for benzene)
15. Requirements for suppliers, restrictions and barriers to the market entrance
Market analysis in the context of an investment project
16. The potential of the gas market
17. Key competitive gas production in the Russian Federation
18. Factors of the competitiveness of an investment project compared to other manufacturers
19. The raw material base of the project
20. The optimal business model of production production