1. Power for the production of glycerol in Russia
2. The volume of glycerol production in Russia in 2010..2012 for enterprises
- CJSC "Kaustik"
- Nafis Cosmetics OJSC
- Nevskaya Cosmetics OJSC
- OJSC "Cosmetic Association" Freedom "
- Fat Plant OJSC
- ZAO "Worker"
3. The structure of glycerol imports to Russia in the context of segments in 2010..2012
4. The volume of export glycerol from Russia in the context of countries in 2010..2012
5. The structure of demand for glycerin in Russia in the context of segments in 2010..2012
6. Key consumers in each segment, the volume of use of glycerol
7. Assessment of the influence of glycerol supplies from Ukraine on the Russian market
8. Market prices for glycerin
9. The requirements of the studied consumers for the quality of glycerin
10. Forecast of a change in demand for glycerin from the studied consumers
11. The degree of interest in the new supplier