1. Characterization of the market for soda soda
- Description of the situation in the market (RF) and in the industry.
- market size (region, Russian Federation, CIS, world market);
- Level and market development trends;
- trends in sales of products this year and a forecast for 5 years;
- dynamics of market prices over the past 5 years;
- specific market features, for example, difficulties in access to market operations;
- independent forecasts regarding the development of the market in the future;
- the estimated share of the market that the company's products will take;
- export potential;
- seasonality;
- Special goals in the market.
2. Description of products
- applicable quality standards and quality characteristics depending on the field of application;
- the functional purpose of the products for what purposes it is intended; examples of use of products (areas of application);
- applicable import and export duties, tariffs, quotas;
- Patent-licensed protection.
3. Analysis of competitors
- a description of the functional and consumer properties of competing products;
- Why are competitors' products are in certain demand;
- principles of pricing of competitors;
- Methods of sales stimulation used by competitors.
4. Product consumers characteristic
- type of consumer (buyers, manufacturers, single independent consumers, etc.);
- geographical location;
5. Characterization of competitors
- a list of enterprises - main competitors;
- advantages and disadvantages;
- financial position;
- level of technology;
- specific gravity in the back of the market;
- marketing strategies used by competitors;
- development plans;
- A possible reaction of competitors to the emergence of a new product.