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Research on the market of ion exchange resins of Russia


Дата разработки: 18.07.2016

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Research on the market of ion exchange resins of Russia


Research tasks

General information about ion exchange resins

Analysis of the conjuncture of the proposal in the Russian market 2012-2015.

Analysis of the demand of demand in the Russian market, 2012-2015,

Analysis of the price of prices in the Russian market, 2012-2015.

Analysis of the current situation and the development forecast of the Russian market, 2012-2030.

Assessment of the market scale of the CIS countries

Identification of the availability of raw materials for the production of ion exchange resins in Russia

Recommendations and conclusions

1. General information about ion exchange resins

1.1. Classification and characteristics of the most in demand in Russia of ion exchange resins

1.2. Comparative analysis of the properties of various brands of ion exchange resins

1.3. Description of areas of application and functional purpose in each area

1.4. The main technologies for the production of ion exchange resins

1.5. Products of the substitut (sulfoil)

2. Analysis of the conjuncture of the proposal in the Russian market 2012-2015.

2.1. Identification and study of Russian manufacturers of ion exchange resins

  • Manufactured products, quality characteristics
  • Production volumes 2012-2015
  • Loading level
  • Development plans
  • Factors affecting the change in production volumes (market demand, prices, etc.)

2.2. Foreign manufacturers present in the Russian market (volumes, loafer, Russian recipients, dynamics 2012-2015)

2.3. Plans to create new industries

3. Analysis of demand in the Russian market, 2012-2015.

3.1. Dynamics of consumption of ion exchange resins

3.2. Assessment of the structure of consumption of ion exchange resins by type of matrices

3.3. Characterization of consuming industries

  • Water treatment
  • Metal extraction, uranium mining and atomic energy

3.4. The volume of consumption of ion exchange resins in the atomic segment in natural and monetary terms

3.5. Identification and study of the most significant Russian consumers of ion exchange resins:

  • Efractor-concrete information and specialization of the company
  • Types of used ion exchange resins
  • Volumes and dynamics, 2012-2015
  • Type and supplier selection factors

3.6. Evaluation of the scale of exports from Russia: export supplies of Russian manufacturers, in 2012-2015, main directions of supplies and recipients

3.7. Forecast for the development of consuming segments

4. Analysis of price conditions in the Russian market, 2012-2015.

4.1. The dynamics of prices for ion exchange resins and consumer goods, 2012-2015,

4.2. Comparison of prices for analogues

4.3. Factors affecting the prices of ion exchange resins

5. Analysis of the current situation and forecast for the development of the Russian market

5.1. Assessment of the current situation, volume, structure and development trends of the Russian market of ion-exchange resins in total in 2012-2015,

5.2. Identification of positive and negative factors affecting the change in demand for ion exchange resins in the Russian market

5.3. Forecast for consumption of ion exchange resins in the Russian market until 2030

6. Assessment of the scale of the market of the CIS countries

6.1. The actual state and prospects for the development of the production of ion exchange resins in Ukraine

6.2. Analysis of export of ion exchange resins from Ukraine in 2012-2105

6.3. Assessment of volume and dynamics of the market of ion exchange resins in the CIS countries in 2012-2015,

6.4. Features of consumption of ion exchange resins (for example, gold in Uzbekistan)

6.5. Identification of the most significant potential consumers of ion exchange resins (company name, specialization, contact details)

7. Assessment of the availability of raw materials for the production of ion exchange resins in Russia

7.1. The composition of the raw materials for the production of ion exchange resins (styrene, divinilbenzole, etc.)

7.2. Consumable coefficients in the production of non -election ion exchange resins

7.3. Assessment of the availability of raw materials in Russia: manufacturers, contacts, affordable volumes.

8. Recommendations and conclusions

8.1. Determining the key competitive advantages for the organization of the production of ion exchange resins in Russia and a successful entry into the market

8.2. Consumption trends and assessment of potential demand for ion exchange resins

8.3. Assessment of the potential of sales of ion exchange resins in the Russian market and the CIS countries until 2030 in kind and monetary terms

8.4. Allocation of the most promising markets and market segments;

8.5. Database of potential consumers of ion exchange resins

File name: ТЗ-249-2016