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A study of the global level of technology and development trends of the Russian market of spatially voiced phenolic antioxidants for various industries.


Дата разработки: 15.04.2015

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A study of the global level of technology and development trends of the Russian market of spatially voiced phenolic antioxidants for various industries.

The purpose of research:

Project subject:

The boundaries of the study:

1. The collection and provision of general information about the spatially mixed phenolic antioxidants presented in foreign and Russian markets.

2. Analysis of the global level of technology and trends in the field of improving and using spatially mixed phenolic antioxidants to stabilize plastics, rubber, rubber, lubricants and diesel fuel.

3. Provision of information about the conjuncture of the proposal of spatially tempered phenolic antioxidants in the Russian market.

4. Provision of information about the conjuncture of demand for spatially voiced phenolic antioxidants in the Russian market, in the p.O. For stabilization of plastics, rubber, razin, lubricants and diesel fuel.

5. Assessment of the prospects of promotion of spatially mixed phenolic antioxidants in the Russian market, the development of recommendations (directions, etc.).

A report drawn up in accordance with the current requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation to the subject of the contract, which includes the following sections:

1. General information about the spatially voiced phenolic antioxidants presented in the international and Russian market:

- dynamics of innovative (patent) activity by years and countries on a given topic.

- a list of world developers of innovative products and the directions of their scientific and technical searches on the topic under study.

- General global trends in the use of spatially voiced phenolic antioxidants.

- Requirements for spatially voiced phenolic antioxidants in the Russian market.

- Assortment of spatially voiced phenolic antioxidants in the Russian market.

- areas of use of spatially tempted phenolic antioxidants represented in the Russian market.

- regulatory documents regulating the requirements for spatially equipped phenolic antioxidants for various directions in Russian industry:

- for stabilization of plastics;

- for stabilization of rubber;

- for stabilization of razin;

- to stabilize lubricants;

- for stabilization of diesel fuel;

- To stabilize feed.

2. The conjuncture of the proposal of spatially voiced phenolic antioxidants in the Russian market:

- the total supply of spatially mixed phenolic antioxidants in the Russian market;

- the ratio of the proportion of spatially mixed phenolic antioxidants offered by Russian and foreign manufacturers;

- the structure of the proposal of spatially tempted phenolic antioxidants offered in the Russian market in the context of countries;

- the structure of the proposal of spatially tempted phenolic antioxidants offered in the Russian market in the context of manufacturers;

- The main manufacturers of spatially voiced phenolic antioxidants offered in the Russian market:

- distribution systems;

- stamps of spatially voiced phenolic antioxidants offered in the Russian market;

- characteristics of spatially-voiced phenolic antioxidants proposed in the Russian market;

- Prices for spatially voiced phenolic antioxidants offered in the Russian market.

-Raw materials prices-2.6-di-tret-butylphenol in the world and abroad.

- The main suppliers of spatially voiced phenolic antioxidants of the proposed in the Russian market.

3. The conjuncture of demand for spatially tempted phenolic antioxidants in the Russian market:

3.1. Assortment and characteristics of spatially tempted phenolic antioxidants produced by Russian companies;

- regulatory documents regulating the characteristics of spatially voiced phenolic antioxidants currently produced;

- plans for changing regulatory documents that may affect the release of spatially tempered phenolic antioxidants;

3.2. The consumption of spatially mixed phenolic antioxidants with leading Russian petrochemical and oil refineries;

-the total volume of consumption of spatially tempered phenolic antioxidants by Russian petrochemical and oil refineries of 2012-2013;

- the structure of consumption of petrochemical and oil refineries in the context of leading plants in 2012-2013;

- the total volume/share of the consumption of spatially mixed phenolic antioxidants by leading Russian petrochemical and oil refineries from the total consumption of antioxidants, and total;

- the structure of consumption of spatially tempered phenolic antioxidants leading Russian petrochemical and oil refineries, including in the context of factories in 2012-2013;

- a change in the degree of interest in the use of spatially mixed phenolic antioxidants with leading Russian petrochemical and oil refineries in recent years;

- information on petrochemical and oil refineries interested in the procurement of spatially voiced phenolic antioxidants from a new manufacturer (procurement conditions, etc.);

- information on petrochemical and oil refineries planning to increase the purchase of spatially mixed phenolic antioxidants;

- the conditions under which the petrochemical and oil refineries are ready to increase the use of phenolic antioxidants;

- the conditions under which the purchase of spatially mixed phenolic antioxidants by Russian petrochemical and oil refineries can be increased.

3.3. The consumption of spatially voiced phenolic antioxidants in other areas in the Russian market

- assessment of the significance of other directions of use of spatially mixed phenolic antioxidants in the total volume of the Russian market;

- a list of the most significant other directions of spatially voiced phenolic antioxidants;

- trends and prospects for the development of other directions of use of spatially voiced phenolic antioxidants;

4. Analysis. Conclusions. Forecasts

- Analysis of the level of technology and trends in the field of improving spatially voiced phenolic antioxidants in Russia and key foreign countries (USA, European Union, Japan)

-Analysis of the directions of scientific and technical searches of the main world manufacturers and developers of spatially voiced phenolic antioxidants

- analysis of the directions of the use of spatially mixed phenolic antioxidants of foreign production;

- assessment of the total consumption of spatially mixed phenolic antioxidants in the Russian market;

- the proportion of spatially mixed phenolic antioxidants used to stabilize plastics, rubber, razin, lubricants, diesel fuel and other directions;

- the most popular and promising directions for the use of spatially tempted phenolic antioxidants in Russian industry;

- the ratio of Russian and foreign products in the Russian market of spatially voiced phenolic antioxidants;

-The main manufacturers of spatially-tempered phenolic antioxidants presented in the Russian market;

- characteristics of spatially-voiced phenolic antioxidants presented in the Russian market;

- positive and negative factors in the development of the Russian market of spatially voiced phenolic antioxidants;

-Prospects for growth (falling) of spatially mixed phenolic antioxidants in Russian industry in 2014-2019.

A feature of the spatially mixed phenolic antioxidant of 4.4'-BIS (2.6-di-tret-butylphenol) is its yellow color and stabilizing its stabilization in yellow.

File name: ТЗ-140-2015