1. Production of the front block-far.
1.1 The total production in the Nat. Entermers (Autosvet, Hella, Auto -Motrucial Wilding, Ostvar.)
1.2 Assortment of production block
1.3 promising blocks of block
1.4 brands of polycarbonate used
1.5 The total amount of polycarbonate consumption in 2010
1.6 current suppliers
1.7 Production ties with assembly industries of foreign car manufacturers
2. Information about the assembly industries of foreign car manufacturers (Ford, Chevrolet, Skoda/VW, Hyundai, Kia, Toyota, Nissan)
2.1 current supplier of the front (block)
2.2 annual purchasing volume of block-far (taking into account the demand of the secondary market)
2.3 Plans and problems when localizing the production of block fact in Russia