1. Information on the investment activity of Russian chemical enterprises. Provision of information for all enterprises in total in the dynamics of 2011-2013. And for each enterprise separately.
- acquisition of fixed assets, inventory and other property, thousand rubles
- receipts - total from investment activities, thousand rubles
- payments - all in investment activities, thousand rubles
2. Information on the production of mineral fertilizers in the Russian Federation (total 2010-2014 estate, by regions 2010-2012)
- Azofoska
- Ammonia is anhydrous
- Ammofos
- hydrogenfosphate diammonia (diammonyfosphate)
- Diammofos
- Diammofoska
- Ammonius Divodorodfosphate (monoammonyfosphate)
- Kalimagnesia
- urea (urea)
- The flour is phosphorite
- ammonium nitrate (ammonium nitrate)
- Nitroammofoska
- Ammonium sulfate
- potassium sulfate
- ammonium chloride; nitrites; potassium nitrates; Ammonium carbonates
- potassium chloride
3. Information on the production of mineral fertilizers in the context of groups: 2010-2014. (total 2010-2014, estate, by regions 2010-2012)
- Mineral or chemical fertilizers, including:
- fertilizers nitrogen mineral or chemical
- Fertilizers of potassium chemical or mineral
- Fertilizers complex liquid NRK
- fertilizers of phosphorus mineral or chemical
- chemical or mineral fertilizers containing two nutrients - nitrogen and phosphorus
- chemical or mineral fertilizers containing three nutrients - nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium