- low -voltage circuit breakers for nominal currents up to 125A inclusive,
- Differential current switches (RCD) for nominal currents up to 125A inclusive,
- circuit breakers of differential current (diff. Automatic) for nominal currents up to 125 A inclusive.
Determining the volume of the Russian market and the share of the main players on it - in the period 2009-2011 + forecast until 2015. on years.
Determining the main trends in the market of low -voltage modular devices.
Objects of research:
End consumers - industrial and civilian objects
Direct competitors (brands):
- Schneider Electric
- Legrand
- Moeller
- Hager
- LS Industrial
- General Electric
- Siemens
- Keaz
- Others (if they are installed during the study)
Geographical markets:
Russian Federation
The format for providing results:
1. Evaluation of the market volume in 2009 - 2011 (volume of pcs and cost)
1.1. Market volume
1.2. The main players and their market shares
1.3. Import
1.4. The main Russian manufacturers
1.5. Export
2. Forecast of market development until 2015 (volume of pcs. And cost)