Chapter. General information
- a brief analysis of the trends of the general economic indicators of the Russian Federation in the period 2015-2017;
- Economic prospects until 2020;
- sanctions and counter-sanctions, the state of affairs;
- State program "Development of industry and increasing its competitiveness"
- import substitution policy;
- instruments of attracting investments, including special economic zones
. The industry for woodworking in Russia
- characteristics of the industry and its historical evolution;
- The largest Russian manufacturers of machine tools, current state
- Trends in the field of investment in the industry over the past 3 years.
Mutual trade in woodworking machines between Russia and other countries of the world
- the main countries of the exporters of machine tools in the Russian Federation;
- The main types of machines supplied to the Russian market (in the context of code)
- The main supply channels and the distribution system of machines imported into Russia (main distributors);
- Russian export of machine tools to other countries of the world;
- The main types of machines supplied by Russian manufacturers;
- The main supply channels, the distribution system of machines exported from Russia,
IVThe market of woodworking machines in the Russian Federation
- the size and dynamics of the market;
- age structure of the machine park (based on production and imports over 15 years)
- the structure of the main sectors of consumers (the scale of the industries for woodworking, the number of participants)
- industry exhibitions and main consumers
VLegal and customs aspects
- Certification
- customs duties;
- Foreign personnel's corruption in the Russian Federation
Chapter VI Import of Woodpecks for Woodwork in Belarus
- Dynamics of imports of machines for woodworking in the section by type of machine tools
- Dynamics of importing machines for woodworking in the context of countries