1. Service (including replacements and spare parts) and modernization of thermal power plants from 50 MW in the Russian Federation and the CIS
1.1. Drawing up and coordinating the list of all thermal power plants from 50 MW (it will be presumably selected 100 objects of network and industrial energy)
The cost of collecting and providing information at 100 TPPs
1.2. For each of the identified TPPs, the following information on the service will be collected and presented:
- The owner of the TPP
- The format of the purchase of service services and services for the modernization of the TPP (centrally, closed tenders, open tender)
- Types of services for maintenance of basic energy equipment that third -party companies provide
- Spare parts that are purchased separately
- Service service providers with whom they work
- Working conditions with the service provider
- Modernization plans
steam turbinesBoth new and service.
2.1. The collection of the declared data on the installed steam turbines and turbogenerators at industrial enterprises of the Russian Federation. The format of the result for each identified enterprise. The data on 100 industrial energy objects will be expected to identify
- Name, and targeted data
- Information about the installed energy equipment (equipment name, installation year, manufacturer, power)
2.2. Data collection on the service of energy equipment installed by enterprises identified at the previous stage at 100 enterprises:
- The format of the purchase of services and services for the modernization of equipment (centrally, closed tenders, open tender)
- Plans for the modernization of turbines and turbogenerators
- The presence of high power transformers (from 25 MVA)
Plans for modernizing or replacing high power transformers