1. Manufacturers of oil and gas equipment
- Equipment manufacturer
- Country /address
- Type of equipment
- The purpose of the equipment
- Contacts
- Scale (revenue or supply)
2. Manufacturers of the used lubricants in oil and gas equipment
- Manufacturers / brands of the used oil
- Type of oil
- Requirements for the properties of oils in the absence of brand restrictions
- The volume of use of oils (optionally)
3. The main operators of oil and gas equipment with contact data
- Name of oil and gas operator
- Specialization of the operator
- Key equipment
- In Russia, the capital intensity assessment, billion rubles.
4. Basic investment projects in the oil and gas segment for 2019-2021
- The country of implementation of the investment project
- name of the project
- The period of the project
- The stage of the project
- Project investment scale