Subject of study:
- Polypropylene market,
- PEVP market (high density polyethylene/ HDPE/ low pressure polyethylene (PND)),
- LPENP market (Linear low density polyethylene/ LPELD/ LLDPE/ Linear high -pressure polyethylene (HPVD)),
- PANP market (low density polyethylene/ high -pressure polyethylene)
The depth of research:
Research region:
Europe with division by regions (Western, Central, South)
Preliminary result of the result:
1. Polyolefins market in Europe
1.1. Dynamics of the production of polyolefins in Europe
1.2. Regional structure of the production of polyolefins in Europe
1.3. The structure of the production of polyolefins in Europe by type (PP, HDPE, etc.)
1.4. The dynamics of European exports and imports of polyolefins
1.5. The dynamics of visible consumption of polyolefins in Europe
1.6. The regional structure of visible consumption of polyolefins in Europe
1.7. The structure of visible consumption of polyolefins in Europe by type (PP, HDPE, etc.)
1.8. The main trends in the development of the Poliolefins market in Europe
2. Product market (PP / HDPE / LPDE / LLDPE) in Europe
2.1. The dynamics of the installed capacities and production volumes in Europe
2.2. Main manufacturers:
2.2.1. production capacity
2.2.2. Plane expansion plans
2.3. Regional structure of product production in Europe
2.4. The dynamics of European export and import of product in the context of regions
2.5. The dynamics of product consumption in Europe
2.6. Regional structure of product consumption in Europe
2.7. Product market conditions of the product market