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Study of tariffs for transporting dark and light oil products by water, rail and pipeline transport


Дата разработки: 20.06.2018

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Study of tariffs for transporting dark and light oil products by water, rail and pipeline transport

1. Management resume.

1.1. Research methods and sources of information;

1.2. Conclusions and recommendations (based on the results of analytical research and forecasting of the helicopter market).

2. The type of transported goods under consideration:

2.1. Light oil products (gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel);

2.2. Dark oil products (raw oil, motor fuel, fuel oils).

3. Analytical tables:

3.1. The structure of the transportation of oil products by water transport for 2013-2017.

3.2. The structure of the transportation of oil products by rail for 2013-2017.

3.3. The structure of the transportation of petroleum products by pipeline transport for 2013-2017.

3.4. Distribution of the volume of transportation of petroleum products through a distance of the range as of 01.01.2018, million tons

3.5. The average cost of transport during the transportation of petroleum products, rub/t/day.

3.6. Features of pricing for services for transporting petroleum products with various types of transport, the final price of rubles/t/t/day on 01.01.2018

3.7. The main operators in the Russian market for the transportation of oil products, as of 01.01.2018

3.8. Quantitative and qualitative comparative analysis of the transportation of petroleum products with different modes of transport, as of 01.01.2018

4. General information: specifics, regulation.

5. Review and analysis of the main competing routes of transportation of oil products with various types of transport (water, railway, sea).

File name: ТЗ-223-2018