Small -toopy market
The results of the study of the small -optical market should include the following information:
1. Assessment of the common capacity of the small -optic market with details by groups of oil products (gasoline, diesel fuel, LPG).
2. The list of operators of the regional market of motor fuels indicating the following information:
- the name of the operator, its affiliation with Wink;
- the presence, name of the oil depots used for storing oil products by the market operator, indicating legal grounds (owner, tenant), addresses and railway oil depot;
- The presence of a retail network is the number of gas stations in this network.
3. The list of oil depots of the region indicating the address and railway station, transport infrastructure, affiliation with WINK, the capacity of the reservoir park, the volume of receipt and the main suppliers of motor fuels: AB, DT and SUG.
The list of operators of the small -toopy market should cover all oil depots in the region and should include all operators (including those who do not have their own oil deposits), which have a share of small -toll sales in the regional market of more than 3%.
4. The list of mini-NPZs of the region indicating the address and nomenclature of the manufactured products, methods of shipment (railway station, autonal), shipment regions, the impact of mini-NPZ on the regional market. To evaluate the share of surrogate fuel imported as, a railway carriage to the region, and to determine the mini-npz from which the shipment was carried out to the region.
5. Assessment of the volume of purchases of motor fuels by operators of the small -optical regional market with details for each operator and storage places of each market operator with an indication of the supplier and the method of shipment of oil products (railway, auto), as well as belonging to VINK.
6. Assessment of the volumes of small -optical implementation with the main (having a share of small -optical sales in the regional market of more than 3%) operators of the regional market in the context of AB, DT and LSG indicating the share occupied in the studied market.
7. The list of small -optical consumers for 2016 with the address and the organization of the organization.
Retail market
The results of the retail market research should include the following information:
1. Evaluation of the total capacity of the retail market with details by groups of oil products (AI-95+, AI-92, A-80, DT, LPG).
2. The list of operators of the retail market of petroleum products indicating the brand of the gas station network, the number of gas stations operated, shares of the gas station network in the general gas station park in the region, affiliation with WINK. The list of operators should cover at least 70% of the total number of gas stations in the region and should include all operators who own 5 or more gas stations.
3. The list of operated gas stations indicating the type of gas station (gas station/gas station, AAZ, PPS, MAZ, MAZ); brand; owner; management company. The list of gas stations should include at least 70% of the total number of gas stations in the region.
4. Assessment of the volumes of the sale of motor fuels with the main operators of the retail market (indicating the brand) with details by types of petroleum products (AI-95+, AI-92, A-80, DT, LPG) with a share occupied in the test market.