Project geography:
Mediterranean countries:
Black Sea countries:
1. Analysis of sales markets in autonomous gasification segments
1.1. Determination of promising countries from the point of view of supply of LNG of Russian production among all the studied regions (economic (availability of own gas, etc.) and political factors).
1.2. Analysis of the competitiveness of LNG in comparison with alternative fuel types in promising:
- The presence of the current infrastructure for the receipt and use of LNG in the allocated promising countries, the supply of LNG in past periods.
- The price of alternative fuel types in excreted promising countries (automobile fuels, etc.)
- Forecast for the development of alternative fuel types in each region
1.3. Analysis of the potential volume of supplies of LNG to the territory of the studied promising regions, taking into account the current and future gasification, the development of alternative fuel markets.
2. Development of 2 schemes for the transportation of LNG from the Russian LNG plant in the area of the Black Sea coast to the most significant regions for the supply of LNG
2.1. Identification of the cost of SPG delivery to the most significant regions according to two transportation schemes (loading costs, bunkering, receiving terminals, receiving terminals).
2.2. Determining the price of the implementation of end consumers in the allocated countries, taking into account the cost of delivery. The presence of limiting factors (lack of the necessary infrastructure for the supply of LNG).
2.3. Assessment of the distribution of volumes and prices for the supply of LNG according to the pessimistic scenario (all restraining factors by logistics will work) and the optimistic scenario.