Merchants: Octan -alien Oxygen -ceremony for Gasoline:
The Main Product: Ethyl Trett-Tubular Ether (etbe)
Products Substitutes:
-methyl-trett-Tubular BroadCast
- Denatured Fuel Bioethanol and Ethyl Technical Alcohol
Tasks and Stages of the Study
1 & nbsp; Stage. Comparative Characteristics of the Octan-Pushing Additives
2 & nbsp; Stage. Analysis of the Conjuncture of the Proposal in the Russian Market 2012-2015
Stage 3. Analysis of the Demand of Demand in the Russian Market, 2012-2015,
Stage 4. Analysis of Price Conditions in the Russian Market, 2012-2030
5th Stage. Analysis of the Current Situation and the Development Forecast of the Russian Market, 2012-2030
STAGE 6. The Current SITUATION AND DEVELOPMENT FORECAST of the Global Market for Octane Additives, 2012-2030
Stage 7. Recomminess and Conclusions
Format of the Result and Stages
1. Stage. Comparative Characteristics of the Products of the Project and Consumer Goods
1.1. Classical and Characteristics of Products;
1.2. Normative Documentation in Russia and Abroad, Overview of the Law
1.3. A Comparative Analysis of the Properties of Various Additives (The Ability to Increase the Octane Number with A Certain Norministration, The Ability to Stabilize the QUALITY OF F Gasoline During Transportation and Storage, The Ability to Reduce the Cost of Anti -corrosion Maintenance of Containers For Storage, The Ability to Reduce Gasoline Consumption Per 100 KM of Run)
1.4. The Main and Alternation Production Technologies that Currently Exist
1.5. Description of the Areas of Application and Functional Purpose in Each Area
2. Stage. Analysis of the Conjuncture of the Proposal in the Russian Market 2012-2015
2.1. Identification and Study of Russian Manoufacturers of Octan-Aligning Additives
- Manoufactured Products, Quality Characteristics
- Production Volumes 2012-2015
-Loading level
-The Pressence of Internal Processing
-The Main Directions of Sales
-development PLANS
- Factors Affecting the Change in Production Volumes (Market Demand, Lack of Raw Materials, etc.)
2.2. Foreign Manaufacturers Present in the Russian Market (Volumes, Russian Recipents, Dynamics of 2012-2015)
2.3. Export Supplies of Russian Manuapacturers, in 2012-2015, The Main Directions of Supplies and Recipents
2.4. Plans to Create New Industries
3 stages. Analysis of Demand in the Russian Market, 2012-2015,
3.1. Identification and Study of Significant Consumers of Octan-Aligning Additives in Russia:
-target-Concrete Information and Specialization of the Company
-Types of the Octan-Aligning Additives Used
-volums and dynamics, 2012-2015
- Factors of the Type of Type and Supplier of the Octan-Posting Additives
- Plans for the Purchase of Octan-Posting Additives (Volumes, Types)
- The Level of Interest and the Conditions for the Purchase of Projects From The New Supplier
3.2. The Forecast for the Development of Consuming Segments
4. Stage. Analysis of the Price Conditions in the Russian Market, 2012-2030
4.1. Dynamics of PRICES for Projects of Projects and Consumer Goods, 2012-2015,
4.2. & Nbsp; Comparing Price Taking Into Account The Characteristics of Each Type of Additives (Consumables)
4.3. & nbsp; Factors Affecting the Proudst Products
4.4. & nbsp; Forecast; Forecast; PRICES Until 2030, (Pessimistic, Optimistic, Realistic) For Each Product Product
5. Stage. Analysis of the Current Situation and the Development Forecast of the Russian Market.
5.1. Assessment of the Current Situation, Volume, Structure and Development Trends of the Russian Market of Octan-Aligning Aditives in the Context of Projects D Supplies in 2012-2015,
5.2. Identification of Positive and Negative Factors Affecting The Change in Demand for Octan -Aligning Additives in the Russian Market
5.3. Forecast for the Consumption of Octan-Aligning Additives in the Russian Market, The Share of Consumer Goods and Project Products (In the Context of Projects) Until 20 30 (Pessimistic, Optimistic, Realistic)
6. Stage. The Current Situation and the Development Forecast of the Global Market for Octan-Trans-Offering Additives
6.1. The Total Volume and Dynamics of the Market for 2012-2015,
6.2. & Nbsp; Review of Modern Studies in the Development of Octaning Addites Based on Oxygenates: Alcohols, Simple and Complex BroadCasts, Acetylies, ETC.
6.3. & nbsp; Market Structure by Type of Additives (If Possible), Including The Share of Project Products (In the Context of Products)
6.4. & nbsp; Price On the Global Market of Octan-Posting Additives
6.5. & Nbsp; Main Countries Manaufactures/Exporters,
6.6. & Nbsp; Main Countries of Consumers-Importers,
6.7. & nbsp; Regulatory Framework
6.8. & nbsp; Identification of the Most Significant Potential Consumers of Project Products (Company Name, Spale of Activity, Activity, Activity, Scale. Cont. Act Details)
6.9. & nbsp; Trends and Forecast of Market Development Until 2030, Including Mazaman -Importers, Including Russian -Made Products The Main
7th Stage. Recommentations and Conclusions
7.1. Determining the Key Competitive Advantages for Organizing the Production of etbe Russia and a Successful Entry Into the Market
7.2. Assessment of Sales Potential in the Russian and World Etbe Market Until 2030 in Kind and Monetary Terms.
7.3. The Allocation of the Most Promising Markets and Market Segments;
7.4. The Database of Potential Consumers of etbe