1. Basic data on technical hemp and industry
- General information about the product (characteristics, processing stages, conditions and equipment for growing and processing)
- The dynamics of the area for growing technical hemp in Russia 2014-2017.
- The main regions of growing
- Participants in the Russian Hordeaking industry of various segments
2. A brief description of the main Russian participants in the hemp breeding industry (information about at least 10 companies)
- Agricultural producers growing technical hemp (types of hemp, the history of cultivation, the significance of hemp in the general turnover, revenue and profitability, development plans, the availability of processing)
- processing enterprises (production of hemp nuclei, hemp oil, food, fiber, etc.) (specialization, assortment, significance of hemp products in the total scale of activity, revenue and profitability, development plans, the presence of their own areas for growing)
3. The presence of imported and export supplies of technical hemp and processing products 2014-2016.
- The total volume of the heb of the hemp 2014-2016.
- The main areas of hemp processing and the most massive processing products
5. Forecast of the development plans of the industry, taking into account the implementation of plans for state support for destruction of hemp breeding until 2020